Immigrants taking over entire neighborhoods

Question: Can the masters please help guide me to see what I am not seeing with this question? From my perspective, living in America, there has been an influx of immigration, Indian and Asian and Hispanic, and they have taken over entire neighborhoods. The middle class Americans living in the area can no longer compete and purchase homes in the area.

Also, many of them do not assimilate, they stay in their groups and lobby against the European Americans. The liberal white-leaning people in America, I assume it is the white liberal leaning people in America, allow this and make it bad to be white, and make the white Americans who feel there should be some laws to help the situation racist. You cannot say anything, you just have to leave your home where you grew up because you can no longer afford it, and when the entire schools are Indian-Asian, it does not feel like a community in America any longer for the existing Americans. I feel so much anger rising in my chakras because of this. I used to not look at race at all, but now I feel anger towards immigrants. Is this a past life issue for me? Why do some white people hate their own white people? Why is this happening in America and also in Europe? Will it destroy the European and American existing cultures and people? Please can the masters give me a higher perspective on why this is happening? What is there to do about it and what am I not seeing in myself? I am a sincere spiritual student and I need to see what I am not seeing. Thank you for your help.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, to begin to see what you are not seeing in yourself, consider what you are saying in your question. You are saying that the immigrants tend to form close-knit communities and they are not assimilating, they are not integrating, they are not interacting with the white Americans. You are now identifying this based on race. But if you step back, you will see that this is not a racial issue. This is a psychological issue that you find in people all over the world, where they prefer to be around people that they are familiar with. Yes, you can identify this as race, but it can also be religion or many other characteristics. What you see is that there is this preference to be around people you are familiar with and there is a distrust of those who are different. It is not specifically race, it is a psychological group issue, group consciousness.

And it is not that you are not correct in what you are saying about these immigrant groups. But can you not see that the attitude that you see in them is the same that you have in yourself and your group? You want to be around other people that are like you and you have a certain suspicion of people who are different. What you are seeing in others is what you have in yourself, but you have not quite seen it. The higher perspective here is to transcend this, to look at this as coming from separate selves. And again, you can say, which many people will say: “But these are the people who are coming into our country and changing things.” This is what you see all over the world. “We were here first. We are the traditional Americans. It is our country that they are coming into. They should submit to our rules. They should behave like us.” But this is precisely the mentality that creates conflicts between groups of people. If you are a sincere spiritual student who is walking the path to Christhood, you need to make an effort to rise above this consciousness by getting rid of these separate selves.

I am not saying this is an easy task, but I am saying this would be the best way for you to make spiritual progress from this situation. Of course, you can consider moving as well, but it would be much better to look at the separate selves that you have. You are quite correct that for many people this ties in with past life issues. You look at the history of the earth, you see that there are many, many examples where a group of people have been living in a certain area. There is a certain homogenous consciousness that they have and suddenly there is an influx of people from another culture and it seems to break up or threaten this status quo that was there. The issue is, however, that in many cases when there is this kind of status quo, these people may have a comfortable life, but they are not growing, certainly not at the maximum rate. That is why if you want to look at it from an overall perspective, you can look at this influx of people, this moving around of people as an aspect of the School of Hard Knocks where people tend to stagnate.

You can also look at the people who are coming in from another culture and you can ask yourself: Were they forced to leave, so they are refugees? Or did they choose to leave in order to have a better life? In many cases those who are forced to leave do not want to give up their culture and that is why they do not want to assimilate, whereas those who choose because they want a better life are generally more open to adapting to their new country. But if you look at it from an overall growth perspective, you see that as part of the School of Hard Knocks, people are moved around and it forces them to rethink the attitude, the mindset, the status quo that they grew up with and it gives the possibility for growth. The Buddha said: “Moving away from your home country is accomplishing half the Dharma”. And what he meant with that is that part of your Dharma is to overcome the mindset that you grew up with, that you were brought up with and free yourself from it and realize you are a spiritual person.

You are not defined by these outer characteristics and this culture and this mindset. This is of course not to excuse the many acts of violence and warfare that are forcing immigration. I am not saying that this is excusable or justifiable or that it does not make karma for those who are forcing other people to move. But what I am saying is that you see many, many areas of the world where you have a relatively homogenous group of people who have lived in the area for several generations, they have built a certain mindset, a certain culture and it might be very comfortable for them, but they are not growing. And the only way to really bring growth is to break this up. And the fact of the matter is that there are many, many groups that if they were more open to grow on their own accord by being willing to question things, they would not have to be confronted with this influx of immigrants. They might go elsewhere. Or even if they were confronted with this influx of immigrants, it would not be an issue for them. They would not feel threatened by it.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

The global real estate market

Question: The global real estate market has now turned into a gambling casino with extreme valuations. Canada and Australia are at the top of the valuations chart. As a Canadian living in Vancouver, I have a working colleague where her husband runs a mortgage broker business and her husband summarized Canadians like drug addicts to real estate. Her husband described Canadians as having an investment mindset of Donald Trump. Many Canadian real estate experts believe that the Canadian real estate market that we have today is too big to fail simply believing the Liberal Government will bail these people out and the Liberal Government under Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland had begun buying up subprime mortgages, so the banks don’t have to be on the hook. The Liberal Government is also known to encourage neoliberal policies in real estate, encouraging Canadians to become landlords through loading up with easy money. Is the Canadian real estate market and the global real estate market too big to fail? And many experts say that the worst we will only have with a real estate market crash is a soft landing as the worst-case scenario. Can the masters comment on this and provide any teachings for this gambling addiction to real estate?

Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, even though I said in a previous answer that real estate is a relatively safe investment, this is of course only the case when you have a real estate market that is growing based on a traditional growth rate, a sustainable growth rate that is not driven by speculation. In a speculative market it is certainly not a market to invest in if you want to preserve your retirement money. What you see both in real estate, in the stock market, in many financial instruments is that this is all driven by the untamed greed of the top financiers, the people in the top of the power elite. They know very well that they have enough money to create an artificial bubble where prices go up, whether it is stock, real estate, financial instruments, commodities, whatever it may be, that could create a situation where the prices go up artificially and once the, so to speak, middle class of investors see that prices are going up in a certain area, they jump in and put their money there so that they can get part of the profit.

And the top of the power elite, they know this, so they deliberately drive markets into this spiral. And then, when the middle class of investors jump in, prices go even higher and then it has a self-reinforcing effect so that more and more people among this middle class of investors put their money into this area. And even some that are not traditional investors may decide to jump in. Now the fallen beings, or the top of the power elite, they know that this is a pyramid scheme. They know that this is not sustainable. But they do not care because they started buying when prices were lower. And when they evaluate that prices have gone as high as is sustainable, they will sell. And they will therefore make a huge profit, having bought relatively cheap and selling at a much higher price. They also know that when they start selling, prices will start falling. And this will again become a self-reinforcing effect which in many cases leads to a crash. Whether or not there is going to be a crash depends on how the majority of these middle class investors react. Will they take a ‘wait and see’ attitude and say: “Ah, prices are probably going to stabilize at some point”. Or will they panic and say: “I have got to get my money out now while I can still get something for my stocks or my real estate or whatever it is”. If they panic, there will be a crash. If not, there may be somewhat of a soft landing. The reality is of course that the fallen beings have created this situation partly to enrich themselves but also, some of them, just to create chaos in the long run. There is no rational explanation for this other than of course attempting to concentrate money towards the top. What you see in many nations is that the cost of housing, the cost of having a place to live has gone to a level that is unsustainable given people’s salaries. On the one hand you can say: “Well, there is a real estate bubble driven by greed and there could be a soft landing or not a soft landing but in the long run the rise in real estate prices is not sustainable because it will destroy the entire economy”.

If a nation allows this continued growth in real estate prices, it will destroy the economy. Why? Because it is a proven observation that you can see repeated many times in history that if the cost of housing goes beyond a certain percentage of people’s income, varying slightly from country to country, then they will stop spending money on other things which will then cause those businesses to fold, jobs are lost, people cannot afford to pay their mortgage, houses are lost, they have to default on their mortgage and it just spirals until the economy either crashes or the government steps in and does something about it. And you will see right now how China is struggling with this very issue. Unbridled greed has caused this crisis and the communist government simply does not know what to do about it. You will see this repeat all over the world where there will come a downward trend where real estate prices will have to go down to a level that people can afford based on their salaries. I have talked before about the gambling economy and I have said that it simply is not sustainable.

And it would be wise for people who are, we might say, not in the power elite to not buy into these markets. I know very well it is tempting because you can, in many cases, make a quick profit. But the question is: How many people will be pulled into this dream of easy money? That is the dream of the fallen beings. And how many will look at what is sustainable? And if the majority of the people in the country are pulled into this dream, or at least the critical mass of them, then there will be a bubble and there will be a crash because that is the only way people are going to learn. Perhaps they will not learn that way as Americans have not learned from previous mortgage crises, but eventually they will learn. To go back to the question: Is the housing market too big to fail? Of course not, especially not if you are into neoliberalism, then nothing is too big to fail. But of course, if you are not, then you will realize that the government, at some point, a democratic government, has to step in and take measures to ensure affordable housing.

Whether it is building apartment buildings and renting them out, or taking other measures, it is not only the right of a democratic government to do this, it is the obligation, the responsibility of a democratic government to do this. Because a democratic government has to protect the majority of the people, and this real estate investment scheme is really created by the elite to enrich the elite by taking money away from the people. And it is the duty of a democratic government to prevent this, to stop this. This, of course, has not been seen by many governments, but that is why I am saying there are likely to be some crashes, because how else are the governments going to be willing to acknowledge this?


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Where is the Holy Spirit in the divine hierarchy?

Question: Where is the Holy Spirit in the divine hierarchy? As a former Catholic, I have always been taught the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Is that correct? Is the violet flame the same as the Holy Spirit? Yet it seems Saint Germain is the keeper of the violet flame which reminds me once I had a powerful spiritual experience with Mother Mary and before she came forth, I saw a diabolic face in front of me. Then I cried out loud: “God help me” and as soon as I said that the diabolic face disappeared and a golden light appeared coming in from my upper right and as the light moved closer towards me, shooting out of that light came a dove. The golden light got brighter and brighter in intensity and the dove got larger and larger until it was as tall as me. Then it spread its wings open and wrapped me in its wings. As soon as that occurred, I was suddenly with Mother Mary. Given this experience, help me understand what then is the role of the Holy Spirit and is the dove a true symbol of it or was it a manifestation of my Catholic upbringing?

 Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, the image of the Holy Spirit given by the Christian religion is out of touch with reality in the sense that you have this concept of the Trinity of the three persons:the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

First of all, this leaves out the Mother, the feminine aspect of God and is therefore unbalanced. We have given various teachings about the Holy Spirit that you can find, but there is an ascended master called the Maha Chohan who is representing the Holy Spirit for earth. You can also say in a more universal aspect that the Holy Spirit is the upward movement created by all the people who are part of this upward movement of the universe which is also what we sometimes or rather often call the River of Life.

The dove is simply a symbol that was chosen by people who had an experience similar to your own. You can have a shape that seems to have wings, because there are light rays coming out and the light rays are fluctuating or oscillating and in people’s minds this can be turned into the image of a dove and since that has then become part of the Christian religion, there are many people who have experienced a manifestation of light this way. It is not always the Holy Spirit. It can be other manifestations of light, but people are superimposing the image that they were so to speak indoctrinated with from a particular religion.

If you are interested in more, go to the website, search about the Holy Spirit and you will find various teachings on it that are beyond what I can give in an answer, a relatively short answer.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Using images while decreeing 

Question: I recently got the idea to do a google search for images that could represent a visual of Archangel Michael, Astrea and Saint Germain. I found excellent images of a flaming sword, a blue and white sword encircling the earth and an amazing violet flame. So, now I have been doing my invocations for each of these ascended masters using these images. So I look at them as I am reciting the invocations. What are your thoughts on using this technique, the violet flame image is particularly powerful to me.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, if you feel that the images enhance your invocations and decrees, by all means use them. But there is also many people who will feel that closing your eyes and focusing your attention within gives them a better experience. I am not saying that one is necessarily better than another, you need to do what feels right for you now.

But I will say that as you become more experienced with giving decrees and invocations, you get the best experience from going within and feeling a direct connection or direct experience of the presence of the master you are invoking. And this is of course the maximum result or the maximum effect of giving decrees and invocations you will get when you have an inner connection to the master. It may take time to build this and therefore in the beginning if it helps you, you should use the images, but be careful that you do not discern in your mind that you have to always use images, because, as I said, there will come a time where it is more powerful for you to go within.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Age discrimination

Question: Would you please give us a vision of how ascended master’s students can assist in the process of ending age discrimination. I honor the fact that we must begin by identifying and overcoming all of our separate selves that are associated with age discrimination, then we can be open doors for the healing of age discrimination in the mass consciousness. Could we apply your statement: “There has to be something that you love more than being right” to assisting in ending age discrimination. For example, most people in general will become old therefore loving oneself is more important than being right. What is the vision regarding age in the Golden Age? For example, will retirement still exist?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, if you feel that age discrimination is an important topic for you, then you can apply our teachings, our invocations and decrees to making calls for clearing away these collective entities that cause age discrimination and cutting free the people who can do something about ending this condition. But for most ascended master’s students there are other topics that are a more important part of their Divine Plan.

We are not really planning to give extensive teachings on this topic–this is not to say that there are not students who have it as part of their Divine Plan to work on the issue. But as we move into the Golden Age it will become less of an issue and there are various reasons for this. in the short term, of course, it will be more that there will be a shift where older people will be seen as being an asset to society, because they have wisdom and experience. And therefore, they will become a kind of mentors or teachers for younger people.

This is something that will begin to happen, because societies will begin to use all of the resources they have available to them and they will realize that it simply is not logical that people get an education work for 40 years and then when they retire, they are not being utilized by society. This is a waste of resources. There will be created more of an opening, even institutions to make use of the experience of people who have retired.

As you move further into the Golden Age more and more people will not retire, they will still be involved with society using their expertise and wisdom to help others. And of course, as we move further into the Golden Age, aging will become less of an issue, because the physical bodies will be more healthy, so that people can live to a higher age without being incapacitated or having their performance diminished. We might say that, from an ascended perspective, aging is an issue that time will take care of.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Dramatic experiences on the spiritual path 

Question: The ascended masters say that they provide a systematic path whereby someone can gradually raise their consciousness incrementally to higher and higher levels. But I have found that on my own journey this way of moving along the path has not been the case and it has been for the most part a series of existential crises, shocking experiences and disastrous situations. Why is it that some of us pay a very high price for spiritual growth while others live and grow without the same extremes and the drama of having their lives turned upside down many times?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, there is a previous answer that is somewhat similar. And where I describe that many of the people who are open to the teachings we give in this dispensation or open to ascended master teachings in general, it is because it is in your Divine Plan that this can be your last lifetime on earth. And therefore, you have chosen to put yourself in circumstances where you experience more dramatic events that are more difficult for you to ignore. This is not incompatible with our statement that there is a systematic path you can follow. We have not necessarily said that the systematic path is an entirely smooth, gradual process. We have talked about various situations on the path, various turning points on the path where you can have more dramatic experiences.

But what I will say is that the dramatic experiences, especially the ones that are upsetting, that turns your life upside down so to speak, it is a product of the unresolved psychology. This is not said to blame you in any way. As I said you most likely have determined that you want to go through this in this lifetime, you want to go through these dramatic experiences in order to make sure that you do not ignore the lessons you need to learn. However, there are certainly many spiritual people who can see that they have had these dramatic experiences in their lives who could benefit greatly from our teachings on the separate selves, because this sense of this very dramatic experience really comes from a separate self. And it is a matter of how much do you hold on to that separate self, how much do you resist seeing the self and making the change of overcoming the self- seeing the illusion, letting it die. How much do you resist seeing what you need to see in order to let go of that self.

There are people who have had the same lesson many times in the same lifetime, because they have not seen what they wanted to see. But they are so determined that they want to see it that they keep subconsciously attracting themselves to these kind of situations in order to, so to speak, force themselves to consciously see what they saw before they came into embodiment and put into their Divine Plans.

So, if you have had a very dramatic or difficult life, step back, use our teachings and consider what is the lesson I wanted to force myself to learn that I have not yet learned. What is it I have not seen? What is it that these dramatic experiences are meant to show me? An existential crisis is not a crisis of the Conscious You, it is a crisis of a separate self, but it comes because the Conscious You is so identified with the separate self that it cannot step outside of it and look at the crisis from a neutral perspective whereby it will not be seen as a crisis.

There is a way to avoid this. Now you can say, as some people have done: “Well, I made faster progress because I went through all these crises.” And yes, maybe you did and maybe you did not, but it does not really matter. What matters is that you say: “Ok, my life has been what it was up until this point, but now I am here and now I am willing to step back, be more conscious, use the tools that the ascended masters have given me, ask for help, ask for direction and come to see what I have not seen. It does not really matter how I got to this point. What matters is that I move forward from this point.” As this messenger had a period where he would say to himself every time he experienced any kind of difficulty: ”From this point forward.” That is what really matters, but of course in order to move forward from this point you might have to see or you will have to see what you have not seen before. This is what you need to focus on. This is what you need to open your mind to. And for many people, especially if you have gone through more than one crisis in your life, you can have a separate self that strongly resists this breakthrough and so you might need to step back and see why this is. What am I resisting? What is it that I do not want to see or rather that a separate self in my subconscious mind does not want me, the Conscious You to see? What is it? What have I not seen? And then be willing to ask us for help, but also be willing to ask other people that might have known you go through these crises, because if the guru be an ant, heed him or her anyway.

Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

A sense of natural love for God

Question: Why do we not naturally love and accept God? Instead, we turn to God out of fear, suffering or tragedy. Are we not then reaching out to God because it serves us to? Would it not be amazing to just naturally love God? But perhaps as children we do naturally love God and then we forget as we grow older. Why would we do that?

Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, you can go beyond just being children even though there are children that have a certain love for God. If you go back to when you were new lifestreams many lifetimes ago, you had a natural love for whatever you sensed that was beyond your own mind. This was primarily your higher self. What has happened since then, as we have explained, there came a point where the fallen beings were allowed to embody on earth and they have created these false images of God such as the angry being in the sky. And if you take the Old Testament god, who can love that god? You cannot naturally love that god, because it is not a natural God, it is a conditional god.

There are spiritual people who over many lifetimes have sensed some connection to the higher selves, to the ascended masters or even to beings that they consider as god. You can have a certain natural unconditional love for God, but not the specific god such as the god of the Old Testament. You can say that loving God is a matter of having a connection to God–the stronger your connection to your higher self, to the ascended masters or to a concept of a non-specific God, then the more love you can feel. And it is natural that you feel such a love, it is natural as we have said that you start at the 48th level of consciousness and you expand your sense of connection to the spiritual realm and as you do this, it is natural that your love grows. It is the separate selves that have taken you out of this natural love. And if you are born in an environment where you are indoctrinated with this very conditional god of the Old Testament or so many other of the conditional gods found on earth, then it destroys or at least pushes into the subconscious your natural love for the spiritual realm.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Could Jesus not transform all darkness?

Question: It is said Jesus calmed the storms and did other incredible things and it is said the dark forces do what they do because they want our light. Could Jesus not transform the dark realm by giving them light so that the darkness no longer existed? Assuming in my novice understanding of things if energy does not go away yet can be transmuted. Or do dark beings also have free will that cannot be interfered with? But then how did Jesus remove demons from people who needed help and healing?

Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Dark beings may or may not have free will. We have explained this before. There are fallen beings who started out as co-creators and chose to go against the upward movement of the River of Life and therefore fell. These dark beings have free will. But there are dark beings that are demons that are collectively created entities and they are more like automatons or computer programs that do not have free will because they do not have self-awareness. Casting out demons from a person is not violating the free will of the demons as they do not have any. It is however honoring the free will of the person because you can actually only cast out the demons if the person is willing to let go of them and that requires a free-will choice.

In terms of miracles, as we have said before, when I appeared in a physical body, it was a darker time, a more dense time and there was a need to perform certain seemingly miraculous feats in order to demonstrate to people in a clear enough way that they could grasp it that there is a potential for attaining a higher state of consciousness. In today’s age this is no longer necessary and it is not really what we intend to manifest. We want people to tune in, use their inner discernment, use their intuition to sense that we are real beings. We are not going to demonstrate this in a way that the masses cannot deny, because we are not really interested in attracting the masses to our teachings. We are interested in attracting those who are ready for them because they have used their free will to make themselves ready.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Co-creating a vacuum

Question: Would you please explain the co-creation process that you described in your discourse on being creative in a quantum world, which is in chapter 7 of the book named Making Peace with Being on Earth. Specifically, would you please explain how to co-create a vacuum, co-create a sphere in a vacuum, activate the Ma-ter light and fill the sphere with the activated Ma-ter light. Although the final part of formulating an image and projecting the image onto the Ma-ter light seems clear, you are welcome to comment about it.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, you are not co-creating a void, you are not co-creating a sphere, you are not co-creating it or filling it with the Ma-ter light. This is not the actions of a co-creator, especially not one embodied on earth. It is the action of either the Creator or some of those who have ascended and reached higher levels who can do this. This is not something that you are capable of doing while you are unascended and you are not even capable of doing it as a beginning ascended master, you have to reach much higher levels before you can consider doing this. So it is not really relevant for me to comment on it.

In terms of what you can do is you can co-create. Which means that when there is a sphere that is filled with the Ma-ter light, you can project images with the four levels of your mind onto the Ma-ter light and this has, I feel, been sufficiently explained in our books and I do not really have anything to add to it at this point.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Distinct personality traits and ascension

Question: I am struck by the fact that Guru Ma when she is speaking sounds exactly the same now as she did in her final physical embodiment when she was the leader and messenger for the Summit Lighthouse. Given that she, like most of us, has had very many physical embodiments where she would most likely have been very different to the person that people knew her to be in that organization, why have the character traits of who she was then as Elizabeth Clare Prophet carried over to the being that she is now in the ascended state?

Answer from the Ascended Master Guru Ma through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

It is not so much that these character traits have carried over. It is more that I take on these traits to give my former students a better opportunity to connect and recognize that I am today an ascended master. But it should be said also here that when you are in your final embodiment many aspects of what we might call the outer personality are not really coming from subconscious selves, they are just character traits you have taken on over many lifetimes, so it is sort of an accumulation of your experiences on earth.

This is not something that you need to be overly concerned about. It is the same as saying whether you have blue eyes or brown eyes- this is not going to prevent you from making your ascension. You can have a certain outer personality, a certain mannerism, a certain way of speaking and it is not hindering, it is not helping your ascension, it is just what you have accumulated over many embodiments and it is not essential for you to work on it.

What is essential for you to work on is the unresolved psychology, of course. I have even said this while I was in physical embodiment, that some of the people who have ascended have had a certain outer personality that was very distinct and that some people actually did not like. But it did not really- it was not a factor in their ascension or in their service in their last embodiment. So given how many things we are working on when we are in our last embodiment there is no point in dealing with things that will not make a difference to our ascension.

Sometimes there are things that we might be aware of. I was aware, to some degree at least, that I had a certain outer personality that was a certain way. It was affected by my childhood to some degree, but it was really an accumulation of many of my embodiments. I was aware that some people did not like it, that some people were offended by it, that some people were even turned away from the teachings because of this. But still, this was not something that I felt I needed to change in order to make my ascension and it was not something I felt I needed to change either in order to serve in my capacity as a messenger for that particular dispensation, because my outer personality was part of the test that people faced when they found the teachings.

It is the same as the old story that El Morya has a gruff gatekeeper at his retreat in Darjeeling and if people cannot make it past the gatekeeper, they are not ready to enter the retreat. And it is the same thing here- in any teaching, in any spiritual teaching and organization that is sponsored from the ascended level, it is necessary for students to look for the inner teaching and to look beyond the outer circumstances in which the teaching is given.

There were people who came to the Summit Lighthouse, often from a Christian background and they could not handle that there was a woman in charge. What was I supposed to have done? Have a sex change operation in order to attract these people? You get to a point where you say with Master More: “Let the chips fall where they may.” I look a certain way, I cannot change it, I have a certain outer personality. I could change it, but is it really necessary? You simply say: “Well, you cannot please everybody. You can only be who you are, be true to who you are and then let people deal with that as they deal with it.”

This is not to say that you should not try to resolve your psychology. And if I look back, I certainly wish I would have done more to resolve my psychology, but there is a distinction between the outer personality and the deeper psychology. Of course, there is also a connection between your outer personality and certain aspects of the psychology but nevertheless, there are some things that just, as I said: “You have the color of your eyes, what does it matter? Certain outer mannerisms, certain way of speaking, what does it matter?” You have to just simply be concerned about what is important for you in order to make your ascension and there were many of these things that I was not necessarily consciously aware of. It was not that I consciously could have said what I just told you. But I certainly had a strong inner sense that this was my last embodiment or potentially my last embodiment and that I needed to work on what was essential for winning my ascension and ignore the things that were not essential for winning my ascension. And the same of course goes for all of you who have it as part of your Divine Plan to qualify for your ascension in this lifetime.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Strange phenomena and negative energy in the house

Question: A question about a presence or possibly more than one that one might have within their home. For example, late at night I have seen blue lights coming from our upstairs even though no one is using the upstairs. I have seen it through our ceiling vent and crack at the bottom of the door.

How do we get rid of such energies in our home? And if one feels negative energy, for example in an environment such as a backyard or a car?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, you use the method for discernment that we have given. You center in your heart and you feel, does it raise your energies, does it lower your energies? If you feel there is a lower energy in your home, then you use the calls to Shiva, to Astrea, to Archangel Michael to consume these energies. And this will in many cases have an effect.

Unless it is a phenomenon that you are producing subconsciously, in which case you need to uncover what is that subconscious mechanism. There are various spiritual people who are producing various phenomena because they have a desire for something unusual, something mystical, something spiritual. And therefore, they can either produce it subconsciously or attract this to them from the emotional realm, from the mental realm for example. In that case giving the calls alone is not enough, you need to discover: why you are open to this? Why you are subconsciously wanting this? And then let that separate self go.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Finding the teachings in the older age 

Question: I am a newbie and reading the ascended master’s info with as much of an open mind as possible.

I find I am open to accepting what I read, but also though not fully understand what I read sometimes. I have experienced strong emotions sometimes while reading. Sadness or is it grief? Or I just simply get teary eyed or even feel a sense of frustration within myself for not being able to get the most basic concepts because I have insufficient knowledge of the Bible as an example. And even get angry that what I had been taught about God and Jesus is wrong. I have to absorb teachings rather slowly. Could be some level of anxiety since I am a senior citizen and I worry I will not have time to reach a good enough level of Christ consciousness so that I do not have to return to this planet and suffer anew. Should I just be satisfied with whatever I get out of the teachings until I die without pressure and not set expectations?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well the answer to your last question is yes. You need to remember Jesus’ statement: “In your patience possess ye your souls.” It is very understandable that when people are new to the ascended master teachings you feel overwhelmed by the amount of teachings we have given, by the complexity of these teachings especially compared to whatever religious teachings you grew up with.

And there are indeed people who have become obsessive compulsive about studying everything, reading everything as quickly as possible. And it is better to take a balanced approach, to give yourself some time to study the teachings at a pace that you feel you can deal with, so that you do not get overwhelmed, you do not get frustrated, you do not get angry with yourself.

You have found the teachings at your age for a reason. It is part of your Divine Plan that you have gone through whatever you went through before you found the teachings. And you might as you engage in a balanced study of the teachings come to see how many of the things you have gone through in your life were simply leading up to finding the teachings and then applying them to these situations so you can learn the best possible lesson from them. Be content, be at peace with the fact that you have found the teachings and then use them in a balanced manner to make the maximum progress you can make for the rest of this lifetime which after all could be longer than you think.

Avoid this kind of frustration. It is sometimes understandable that when people find the teachings at a younger age they become more determined to study everything, to practice everything. But even this can become an unbalanced approach as this messenger is quite aware from his own path. Again, we always recommend a balanced approach. It is not really a matter of studying everything. It is a matter of finding the ideas, the teachings that are important for you and then implementing them, using them to resolve your psychological issues that you have not yet resolved. As we have said many times, the resolution of psychology is the most important issue. Simply focus on resolving psychology in the time you have left in embodiment. This goes at any age.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

The old stories about Saint Germain

Question: The recorded stories of Saint Germain seem to outline somebody who appeared over perhaps hundreds of years here on earth performing what seemed to be superhuman acts while serving the courts of Europe. Do these stories paint an accurate picture overall? If so, was this his last incarnation? Was he someone who had not at that point reached his ascension? Did he have a special role to play in those times by living here?

 Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

You need to understand here that there is both an unreality and a reality. There is a reality in the sense that after I ascended, I was allowed to appear again in a physical body. I was not reborn, I did not reincarnate, but I was allowed to manifest a physical body in an attempt to create a United States of Europe, which obviously failed.

I was allowed to perform certain acts in order to impress these very recalcitrant kings of Europe and bring about this change. This was because I foresaw the rise of communism in Russia and wanted to create a United States of Europe as a counterbalance to what later became the Soviet Union. So this could have prevented the Soviet Union.

What you also see is that in, for example, the books from the I AM Movement, I am also taking on a role of being almost like a James Bond secret agent that performs various feats. And this is because you need to recognize that, as we have said many times, progressive revelation must be adapted to the collective consciousness at the time. And that is why we gave some teachings that were more in a story form and therefore designed to attract people’s attention. We know that there are many students from previous ascended master dispensations who have taken this very literally, but as I have said before, in this dispensation, you are beyond this level. You do not need to take it literally. You need to see that this was, in many cases, stories and myths that have a hidden meaning behind them that were not meant to be taken in a literal fashion.

What I am basically saying is, if you are open to the teachings in this dispensation, you can read these past books, but you do not need to take them literally. And you do not need to, for example, go to Mount Shasta in order to have a physical encounter with me, or go to Wyoming and find Table Mountain and think that the mountain will suddenly open up and there I will be to invite you into the Cave of Symbols, as some students from previous ascended master organizations have indeed done. You do not need to repeat this pattern, and simply go beyond it. Focus on what you are here for, like Mother Mary said in her answer. Many of you who are open to this dispensation, you want to make this your last embodiment by resolving psychology. And that is the most important aspect of your life.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Emotional reactions during giving invocations

Question: What causes a sleepiness to occur while sometimes doing an invocation? And is it possible to feel the effects of the invocation within one’s energy field? Or perhaps it is in my head. In the same vein, I sometimes feel a deep emotion while reciting an invocation. I assume that is then an indication that the invocation is beginning to work, since the invocation does specify to reveal what is hidden. Or is it just past emotional wounds stirred up that need healing?

 Answer from Mother Mary Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

It can be more than one reason why you get sleepy during an invocation. It can partly be a projection from dark forces that want to prevent you from giving the invocation. It can also be that the invocation itself stirs up energies that are a little bit overwhelming to your conscious mind. And it can also be sometimes that it is stirring up some energy that you need to process while having the least amount of conscious thoughts. The best thing you can do when you feel sleepy during an invocation is to change the tempo. Give it more slowly, with more power. Put more emphasis on the words and the meaning of the words instead of just repeating them in a more rhythmic, flowing manner as you normally do, and try to break up the pattern of the sleepiness.

When you feel strong emotions during an invocation, it is, of course, because the invocation is bringing out something that is hidden. In some cases, this means that you could stop, go into the emotions, go through the emotions, try to see the separate self, the illusion behind it. But this is when you are a little more experienced. If you are new to invocations, it is better to not focus on the emotion but to continue giving the invocation. And you can always, during an invocation, when you feel this, stop, make a call or prayer to the master, that is the main master you are invoking in the invocation, to help you see what you need to see, to help you resolve these energies. You can also, if you feel a lower vibration coming up, give calls to Shiva to transmute this and do something that breaks up the invocation so that you can deal more directly with the energy that is coming up. I know I have given you two contrary directions here. One is to go into the emotions, one is to ignore the emotions.

But that is something you need to feel. And as I said, if you are a beginner, ignore the emotion or give specific calls to have the emotion transformed. If you are more experienced, then you will sometimes feel the need to go into the emotion and go through it.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Is there a physical or higher dimensional city under Mount Shasta?

Question: Is there a physical or higher dimensional city in or under Mount Shasta in Northern California, USA? Is the figure Adama who is purported to be the high priest of this city real and is he who he is claimed to be? Are there habitable places underneath the earth for physical or other kinds of beings? Whatever else you care to share on this topic would be much appreciated.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

What we have taught is that there are four realms, four octaves, four aspects of the physical world. There is the purely physical material, there is the emotional, mental and identity realms. The surface of the earth is the place where physical beings live in the physical dimension. There are, despite the many claims out there, no physical habitable places under the surface of the earth. But there are, of course, beings in the emotional realm, the mental realm and the identity realm, some of which are under the surface of the earth in various locations. And some people, human beings, have tuned into this and thought that it was physical. There is a focus under Mount Shasta. It is not a physical focus. It is in the mental realm. It is not an ascended master retreat. It is not sponsored by the ascended masters.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Was Rudolf Steiner an ascended master?

Question: Was Rudolf Steiner an ascended master or did he in a sense channel the countless content in lectures he provided from the masters? How much of his revelations are truthful?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, Rudolf Steiner was not an ascended master when he was in embodiment obviously or before he took embodiment and he is not an ascended master today. He was working with beings in the mental realm and many of his teachings are quite mental. This does not mean that they cannot be useful to some people. It does not mean that they do not have certain true concepts in them. We are not saying that Rudolf Steiner was in contact with malignant beings in the mental realm so it is not that the teachings cannot be useful to some people.

But of course, if you are aware of ascended masters and ascended master teachings why would you not make use of those instead? This is not to say that you should only study ascended master teachings so if you feel an intuitive prompting to study Rudolf Steiner or other teachings then by all means do so. But I strongly recommend that you also study ascended master teachings and look out for the differences and how you feel, what lowers your energy, what raises your energy.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Our first and last embodiment, birth trauma, and the primal self

Question: Many of us have experienced difficult circumstances in this embodiment and all manner of abuses. Is it possible that some of the students in this dispensation are in their first embodiment and experiencing the original birth trauma in this lifetime even though unlikely? Can you explain the difference between the original birth trauma and traumas in subsequent lifetimes? Also, though I can see symptoms of the primal self I do not feel I have yet identified the primal self. Can you comment on how one can identify the primal self and not simply a symptom of the primal self?

 Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Most of the students in this embodiment are not in their first embodiment. But what is the cause of these outer challenges that many have been facing is that you have decided that you want this to be your last embodiment. Therefore, you have determined to put yourself in situations where you experienced such severe physical conditions that you were so to speak, forcing yourself to deal with the psychological issues you have not yet resolved. In other words, you want to make your ascension so strongly that you are willing to endure physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse in order to force yourself to deal with the birth trauma and the primal self that you have not overcome yet.

Many times, such abuse ties in with the birth trauma. It ties in with how you received that birth trauma and therefore it is another opportunity to look at that psychology and the primal self behind it.

Seeing the primal self instead of the symptoms of the primal self is often made difficult because you have other selves that were created after the primal self and you need to come to dissolve those selves before you can see the primal self. But if you keep using the tools we have given especially in the book on Healing Your Spiritual Traumas but also the other books in the series and use various forms of therapy to gain clarity over your psychology then you can uncover that primal self and this is most likely what you put in your Divine plan that you wanted to achieve for your last lifetime on this very difficult planet.

I will say that many of the students in this dispensation, you have decided that you want this to be your last lifetime but you have also decided that you want to achieve the highest possible resolution of your psychology before you ascend. In other words, we have said before that you can qualify for your ascension and still have some unresolved psychology that you can resolve in the spiritual realm.

But many of you who are in this dispensation, and the reason why you are open to this dispensation is you have determined you want to resolve as much psychology as possible while you are still in physical   embodiment. Partly because it is actually easier to resolve psychology in physical embodiment and partly because it also helps you actually ascend with a higher level of consciousness than you do if you have unresolved psychology left. Many of you are very determined to make the most out of this lifetime in terms of resolving your psychology and attaining higher levels of Christhood.

Many of you also have in your Divine plan to express that Christhood of course but it is difficult to express it naturally before you have attained it. Many of you are very determined to attain the maximum growth in this lifetime which is why you have been attracted to these teachings that are the most direct you can find on this planet in terms of resolving psychology going all the way back to when you first came to this planet.

There just is nothing else out there that is even close to the teachings we have given in this dispensation in terms of resolving the deepest layers of psychology related to earth and even beyond earth.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Bringing the country together without a crisis

Question: I am worried about the division here in America and have wondered what it will take to unify us. It appears a crisis or tragedy might be an avenue and I am not wishing for one but I realize for example the 9-11 attacks and Pearl Harbor brought the country together. Albeit both events subsequently also brought forth government actions that were harmful such as the Patriot Act bringing restrictions on privacy and expanding government powers and the internment of Japanese Americans into camps and taking away their homes and businesses. Is my observation correct and is there a more positive and immediate resulting situation that can arise to bring us together that is not the result of violence and attack using the military, discrimination and such?

Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

I have already covered this topic in greater depth in my dictations but I will say that it is clear that these dramatic events – whether it is 9-11 or Pearl Harbor – were precipitated by the fact that there was not a critical mass of people who were willing to get the lesson in an easy way. They were not willing to use their intuition, they were not willing to think more deeply about what could bring the nation together, what could bring the nation to the next step.

It was this unwillingness to think more deeply that manifested the outer crisis so that people were faced with a condition they could not ignore. You will see in all people—not just Americans but certainly also very pronounced in Americans—that they will tend to ignore situations, ignore the need for change as long as possible. You can look back and see that in these situations if something had been done earlier perhaps things would have gone very differently and the nation could have learned its lesson in a more constructive way. And it is of course the exact same thing today. It is really a matter of recognizing that there are certain situations where a nation can be covered in this black cloud as we have talked about where people are blinded. In retrospect when you look back it is very easy to see the need for change but at the time, people could not see it because they were in blindness, in denial and they thought that: “Oh we do not really need to change current conditions, it can go on.”

It is the same with the division in the political life of America. It obviously needs to change but many people are in such denial about it or feel so powerless to do anything about it that they are just ignoring the need for change thinking somehow it will be okay, somehow it will work itself out. But when you look back at the current political situation 10 or 20 years from now many people will see that it was obvious that something needed to be done. And yet what needs to be done is that people awaken to realize that this climate is not what we want. This is not the kind of nation we want to live in and it is not in the best interest of the people that we are so divided because it only benefits the elite. There will come a time where people will look back and say: “But it should have been obvious that the people needed to restrict the elite. Why was not it done? Why could not people see it at the time?”


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Is this right thing to do for me? 

Question: My spouse and I are currently in Canada and have grown up and were born here. My mother is American and I have family there. I have always enjoyed spending time in the U.S. And I have been told I hold American energy and have felt a connection with Saint Germain since beginning this work. We also are aware that he sponsors America specifically. My spouse and I are considering a move however claiming a U.S. Citizenship creates lifelong tax obligations etc. That would be a hassle if we do not intend to make at least a long term move. We want to ensure it is the right decision before executing. Would it be helpful for us as students of the masters to be physically present in the U.S. to help bring about the golden age during this time and if so is there a specific area in the U.S.A. You might recommend to students wanting to locate there? How can someone considering a move like this determine if it is the right thing to do? Any clarity on this would be very helpful.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

You will understand if you have followed our teachings that we are not telling people what to do.This is something you need to determine individually and intuitively based on asking yourself what did you put in your Divine plan. In order to get greater clarity of this I recommend two things.

First of all use the teachings in the book Healing Your Spiritual Traumas to deal with your birth trauma and seek to overcome as many separate selves as you can. Second of all, take either of the decrees to the Divine Director and do a novena to the great divine director where you give his decree nine times a day and after you have finished the decree you take a notebook and you write down whatever comes to you that day. Then you can read it again later, you can read it before you do the vigil the next day and when you have done this for 33 days you are likely to have much greater clarity on what is the right thing for you to do.

It is not really a matter of what is best for the golden age in America but what is in your Divine plan.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Inheritance from corruption

Question: I was born in a third world country where a lot of money is made through corruption. A lot of people will not advance if they do not get entangled with such practices. A family member just passed away and left an inheritance of such money earned through corruption. It was not openly acknowledged that the money came from that source but while growing up it was easy for me to see the source. I thought about rejecting the inheritance but many circumstances placed me at a crossroads where I already am stained and in the middle of it.

Also I have ill family relatives that depend on it. I feel quite certain that I will make karma just by accepting it but might diminish it depending on the use I do make of the money. At times I feel it hinders my path. At times I feel like just enrolling in a monastery and get away for good. At other times I feel like cashing out and go and live abroad in a more democratic country, seeing the contradictions in doing so. Will the masters please comment on this.

 Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary, through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

We recognize that there are many countries that have this systemic built-in corruption and it is of course a dilemma. You can consider for example what would happen to the money if you rejected it. Where would it then go to and you can see if this would be better for you or if it would be better from an overall perspective that you took care of the money and put it to good use such as helping family members. It is clear that by accepting the money you will make a certain karma because it was acquired the way it was. But it is also correct that you can diminish that by putting the money to use to helping others.

It really is not something that I from an ascended perspective wish to give you a clear answer on what you should do. It is something you need to sense intuitively what is the best way for you in this situation. You need to ask yourself what is in your Divine plan here? Why did you choose to embody in this country in this family situation? What is the lesson you wanted to learn from this? What is the condition in your psychology that you wanted to force yourself to deal with?

You can always consider that part of it may be that you just want to run away instead of stepping up to a higher level of Christ discernment which is your potential. And so it is always the higher way to look at yourself, look at your reaction, look at your psychology, seek to discover what separate selves are there. When you have worked through the separate selves you will gain greater clarity and you might decide to move to another country, not because you are running away from conditions in your native country, but because you see that it is part of your Divine plan to move to another country.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Frequent nightmares

Question: For the past three months I have been having bad dreams almost every night, like around 90% of the days. I try spiritual remedies, particularly Hindu and Buddhist mantras, to stop bad dreams, but they have not stopped the bad dreams. Please help me. I am suffering badly and I am scared. I have nobody else to ask help from. I hope you can help me.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, there are two main reasons for having such bad dreams. One is  the food you eat or that you eat too much before you go to bed. You need to look at your diet, see what you can change, see if you can avoid eating just before bed and experiment with leaving out a particular food from your diet and see if that improves your dreams. Many, many dreams are simply a product of the food you have eaten the day before.

The other remedy that will be more effective for many people is of course to use our decrees and invocations. This is not to say that you should do only one or the other. The two in combination is of course the most effective. You can especially make calls to the Elohim Astrea to cut you free from any ties to the astral plane or to other people and you can make calls to Archangel Michael for protection.

You can give the invocations also to Archangel Michael and Astrea, and you can give the invocation and decrees to Saint Germain for the consuming of any untransmuted energy in your emotional body that makes you open to this projection. What I am saying is that dreams can be one of two for the main part: They can either be an effect of the food or they can be projections from lower forces often in the emotional realm, sometimes in the mental realm or even from the collective consciousness and other people. By making the calls to protect yourself from this you will see some improvement.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Body positivity 

Question:  Masters, could you give some guidelines for the body positive or body neutrality field? For example, should someone that is morbidly obese strive for loving the shape of their bodies or their fat cells, or what is a higher view? Is it possible to reach this kind of love at lower stages of the path, or what is a good way to start? I have ideas that have worked for me, but I am only overweight and it is possible that since I have been walking the path for a long time, it is easier for me. If I want to work with other women helping them love their bodies, I would like to know different angles that are important for people at different stages.

 Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

The entire movement of helping obese people love their bodies is generally constructive, but there are of course always the possibility that some people can take it too far and become unbalanced. Let me propose that there is a subtle but important difference between loving your body as it is and still being open to the potential for change. It is somewhat similar to the Alcoholics Anonymous movement that helps people overcome the effects of alcoholism but makes them think that they need to see themselves as alcoholics for life.

In other words, you can love your obese body but still maintain an open mind that it can change. This of course is a challenge because many obese people have been trapped in the desire to lose weight and this has created strain and stress upon them. But we have before talked about the fact that there are many cases where you need to love a disease or love a bodily condition and come to accept it for what it is as a way to open yourself to change. There is a balance to be found there where you can love your body but still maintain an open mind that you could lose weight. Now, we have also many, many times talked about the fact that there is a connection between mind and body. Even for people who are not open to ascended master teachings or even spiritual teachings, they could still be open to the potential for this mind-body connection and they could therefore be open to the possibility that by seeking psychological resolution they can actually make it possible for their bodies to shed the weight that they have artificially taken on.

Many people have a subconscious reaction going back to past lives – but of course you do not necessarily need to tell them this – but they have a psychological reaction of wanting to isolate and insulate themselves from the world because there is some condition they fear. If they can come to see this fear, see the illusion behind it and let it go, they can actually experience a sometimes dramatic weight loss.

There can of course be more than one psychological block. I encourage you in general to help people accept the body, but not as an excuse for not looking at their psychology and working on their psychology and discovering why they have this subconscious desire to have this insulating layer between themselves and the world. You can of course also take the teachings we gave about accepting the body, even saying: “I am this body.” and fully accepting that you are the body in a sense that you as a psycho-spiritual being are taking command of the body rather than being a product of the body or a victim of the body.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

The best way for President Biden to respond to the situation in the Middle East

Question: I am an American Jew of Ukrainian descent, so I feel some ties to my physical ancestors in Israel and Ukraine. Jesus has talked about the Middle East as being the place in the world with the most conflict. Many Americans are divided as to who is right and who is wrong. What is the best path forward for Jews and Palestinians to establish stability in the region? What is the best way for Biden to support the situation? And what are some calls I can make as an ascended master student to help?

Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

I have already commented on the situation in other answers, so I refer to this. What I will comment on is what calls you can make. Give the invocations to the Middle East, even the East-West, the two East-West rosaries. Give decrees to Australia and Archangel Michael. But as I said, give this if you feel tied to the region. If you are not tied to the region, find other things to make calls on.

What I will also comment on is what is the best way for President Biden to respond to the situation. Well, this is the kind of situation that nobody really wants to face, especially not an American president. Because as an American president, you are in a very difficult situation when it comes to Israel. Not only do you have a large Jewish community in the United States who have a disproportionate political influence compared to their numbers, but you also have a large Christian contingent who are supporting Israel because it is the Holy Land and wants America to protect it. You cannot refuse to support Israel because it would lead to too much criticism from within the country, from these factions. And on the other hand, you know very well that the last thing you want is to be pulled into some kind of war in the Middle East. How would you respond to the situation? Well, as the joke goes: very carefully. Far, the response has been relatively careful. And you need to try and tread this fine line where you avoid getting involved in a larger conflict with Hezbollah, with other militant groups supported by Iran. And quite frankly, whether this is possible remains to be seen. There is certainly a possibility that the United States can remain in the background.

But there is also a real risk that the situation can escalate into a larger scale war where the United States might decide to step in somehow to defend Israel. And it is clear that if the United States allowed itself to get involved with a larger scale war, this would later, perhaps somewhat later, but it would, in a historical context, be seen as a mistake. And it would be a mistake from an ascended master perspective. It would be wise to avoid such a scenario and to do everything possible to avoid such a scenario. And this is the intention of President Biden and his advisors. We will see whether it can be achieved. If you are an American, you can certainly make calls, or if you otherwise feel moved to make these calls, that America will not be pulled into a war in the Middle East.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

How to retain your sanity in the face of insanity of the Israel-Hamas war?

Question: The tragedy of the events of October 7th in Israel and the humanitarian catastrophe we are witnessing in Gaza right now, as is being played out in real time, are events the likes of which I would have hoped never to have seen in my lifetime. How do we not lose hope in the face of such horror? How do we keep from despairing when we see all of this happening before our very eyes? What can we do to stop it? Can the ascended masters help us to make sense of the senseless? How do people retain their sanity in the face of this insanity?

 Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, I have no answer to the question of how people in general retain their sanity in the face of such insanity. Most people do not, but those who have a higher humanity, they do, because they will look to a more long-term solution.

As ascended master students, you have the tools to maintain your sanity. You can give whatever calls you feel moved to give, but you can also accept what I have said in my previous answers, that when people are trapped in the School of Hard Knocks, sometimes even we of the ascended masters must stand back and allow events to outplay themselves until people have had enough. Now, we have said before that as we are moving closer and closer into the golden age, there will be periods where the transition cannot always happen in small incremental steps. There must be more dramatic events that shifts people’s attitude quicker than taking decades to achieve a change. I have said before that we are into a phase and a decade where things must become more extreme, more pronounced, so that people can see it. You can adopt this attitude and say: “This is what is happening, and it is just a matter of when people have had enough and can see the need for change.” You can make calls for this to happen, but quite frankly, unless you live in the region or are closely tied to the region, there are many other calls that it will be more important to make calls on.

Again, we have not said much about the Middle East. We have not really encouraged the student body at large to give calls on this, but if you are tied to the region, then you should do what calls you feel prompted to make from within. But first of all, you need to adopt this attitude that sometimes things need to be allowed to outplay themselves so that people can come to see what they have not been willing to see. This is always the problem that blocks progress, that there is something people are not willing to see. They are not willing to look at themselves and acknowledge: “We have to change, not those other people. They may have to change too, but we have to change and we need to start by changing ourselves.”


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

A spiritual reason for the Israel-Hamas war

Question: Is there a spiritual reason for the Israel-Hamas war? Is Putin involved behind the scenes?

Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, Putin is not directly involved, but, of course, he is seeking to take advantage of the situation to divert attention from the war in Ukraine.

Is there a spiritual reason? Yes, as I have explained in the previous two answers. The spiritual reason is that too many people in the region are trapped in the School of Hard Knocks, in the dualistic mindset of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’. And, therefore, tensions continue to build until there is some kind of explosion that then perhaps makes the inhumanity more visible, more unbearable, until there is a willingness to change.

The spiritual reason is there is no willingness to change. Even the Palestinians do not have a sincere willingness to change. That is why sooner or later an eruption happens. You know from volcanoes that when the pressure starts building, sooner or later there will be an explosion.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

What would be a higher response from the Israeli government to Hamas’ attack?

Question: What is the correct response, according to the ascended master’s perspective, for how the Israeli government should address the actions of the terrorist organization that perpetrated the atrocities upon 1400 people in Israel on October 7th? I take it that the current response they are adopting is not the correct or Christlike response that the ascended masters would advocate.

Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, even though I have commented somewhat on this in the previous answer, I will give some further remarks here.

It is clear that the higher response from the Israeli government would be to recognize that Hamas does not represent all of the Palestinian people. You can see that you have two options here. You can either label Hamas as a terrorist organization or you cannot. If you label it as a terrorist organization, you must acknowledge that it is not representing or supported by a majority of the Palestinian people. And if you do this, then you cannot allow yourself to wage an indis-criminate war that will lead to the killing of more Palestinians than were killed of your own countrymen. This cannot be a higher response, nor can it be a response that will earn Israel goodwill in the democratic part of the world. As I said, Israel is relying on the support of the democratic part of the world, and so far, they have been supportive, but there is no democratic country that in the long run will be able to support the indiscriminate killing of civilians, the destruction of hospitals, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, so people die because there is no medicine in the hospitals or even electricity in the hospitals.

And it simply is not a solution to commit what is a borderline genocide on the Palestinian population. If there is one nation that cannot allow itself to do this, it would be Israel. If Israel was able to step outside of their own mental box and look at the situation from a larger perspective.

What would be a better response? Well, quite frankly, a better response would be to appeal to the international community to step in and help Israel in this situation. I know that this would be a very difficult situation, but it would be a wiser response than taking this unilateral action that Israel seems to be determined to take. What would be a better response would be to say this is a police action to take out the terrorists, not a military action to basically level the Gaza Strip. This would have been wiser. I am not saying it would be realistic, but it would have been wiser. Because obviously, no democratic country could support this. However, the reason why the Israeli government has not been willing to do this is that they are not really willing to do what it takes to resolve the Palestinian issue.That is, to create a Palestinian state.

What could be an eventual outcome of this is that more and more democratic nations and other nations call for a Palestinian state or at least a long-term solution. And then the international community must step in and create a situation where the Palestinian people actually have a future to look forward to. But this, of course, would require Arab nations to also step up and say: “Well, then we must take responsibility. We must be a part of the burden. And we must be willing to work with both Israel and the international community to bring this situation about.” I am not saying that this would in any way be easy. Even as an ascended master, I could not sit down and give you an easy solution to the issue. Because the Middle East is more divided among different groups and factions than any other part of the world. There is no easy solution to this. You look at the situation in Syria and in Lebanon, and you can see that if there is to be a viable Palestinian state, there must be a dramatic change in Lebanon.

And there must be a change in Syria. This is not an easy situation to manifest. It is more of a long-term goal. But, as I have said earlier, it is really a matter of how hard do the knocks have to become before there is a sincere willingness to change course, to change the approach. That is a question I cannot answer. And, of course, no single person or group of people can answer it either.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

The constructive response to the Israel-Hamas war 

Question: The situation in the Middle East seems to illustrate again the tragedy of the endless cycles of violence and revenge. It seems that nobody considers the option of showing the other cheek as remotely possible. What would the ascended masters consider a response from the political groups that goes somewhat towards a long-term solution for the region?

 Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, there is a reason why we in later years have said relatively little about the Middle East. And the reason is that the region is enveloped in this consciousness that is the essence of the School of Hard Knocks where the majority of the people in the region simply are not open to learning in any other way than through the School of Hard Knocks. As we have said before, the question is how hard do the knocks have to become before people wake up and come to their senses. It is clear that neither the Jewish religion nor the Muslim religion really seriously preaches turning the other cheek.

You cannot really expect that this is going to be the prevailing response. Unfortunately, it is probably a matter of the region having to see inhumanity on a much larger scale before they have had enough of the bloodshed, the revenge, the “an eye for an eye” and a ‘bomb for a bomb’ and come to see the need to step up to a higher level of humanity.

Obviously, this is a process that has been going on for some time. You can see various signs of this in various countries. But you still see how quickly a situation can escalate into hostility and even the potential for a larger scale war.

Really, at this point, there is very little potential that any of the sides will turn the other cheek because they simply cannot see the advantage of doing this. This is, of course, something you can step back and say: “Well, why cannot they see it?” And they cannot see it because they are trapped in duality and they are blinded by their state of consciousness. Realistically, of course, you can say that Israel’s very existence is due to the international community having a positive view towards the Jews and their right to have a home country.

If the Jews start behaving towards the Palestinians in a way that is in blatant violation of the democratic ideals of the countries that support the state of Israel, then how can they expect that they will continue to be supported? And if they are not, how can they continue to survive? But could you explain this to the Jewish leadership and a large part of the Jewish people? I am not sure that I could. Then, of course, you have the Palestinians. Is there any realistic possibility that the Palestinians could improve their situation, perhaps achieve their own state? Well, it would only be because of the international community. But are the democratic countries going to support the Palestinians after what Hamas just did, supposedly on behalf of all Palestinians? You see, again, why are the Palestinians not seeing that their best opportunity to improve their situation is nonviolence? Well, because they are trapped in the same mindset. Of course, it is clear, as some democratic leaders have already started saying, that you cannot return to the situation that was before the attack and there needs to be a long-term solution that will involve a Palestinian state.

However, exactly how this can come about is by no means an easy thing to accomplish. Even if we avoid a larger-scale war, I foresee a very long and painful process that will test the resolve of the international community and the democratic world.

I will say that I would very strongly advise the American government to stay out of a war in the Middle East. But as we have said before, even said in the invocation you gave earlier, the Christians in America have this determination to defend the Holy Land and this could potentially bring America into the conflict, which would be a major mistake.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

How to convert water into wine

Question: When are the masters going to teach us how to convert water into wine?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Never, since we do not recommend that you drink alcohol. It is not really a very useful skill. 

But joking aside, in this day and age, we have already explained that the visible phenomena, the so-called miracles that Jesus produced are not really necessary or not even allowed by cosmic law because it is necessary that people instead use their intuition to develop Christ discernment so they do not need to see these physical manifestations in order to acknowledge the existence of the spiritual side of life. We have no desire to manifest this kind of phenomena in order to attract people to our teachings.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Who decides in what situation people will reincarnate

Question: The masters have said that many Nazis are reincarnated as Jews. Being a people that has been persecuted historically by others and considered chosen of God by themselves, they needed to experience the Jew idiosyncratic mindset to probably raise their consciousness. Yet now that all these animosities are raised again against and in their favor, especially as they have been attacked in such a horrific way, not placing a blind eye to what they have done to Palestinians in Gaza, will not this reincarnation within the people they oppressed may confuse the world into who the world shows support? Especially St. Germain, given the history. They immediately supported Israel as to say they are supporting Nazis reincarnated as Jews. Won’t being reincarnated in such a way, instead of unlocking the blockage in the consciousness, reinforce the duality of the struggle? How is it chosen and decided that a group of people may reincarnate like this, the Karmic Board or lifestreams themselves?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

It is partly the Karmic Board that decides who is going to incarnate and in what situation they are going to reincarnate in. If the people have a higher awareness, they are also part of the decision-making process. But those who have a fairly low awareness are often not willing to work with us and therefore they are simply assigned based on what has the greatest opportunity to awaken them. And in many cases this is that if they have persecuted a particular group of people, they will reincarnate in their next embodiment among those group of people so they experience the situation from the persecuted side. You can predict right now, of course, that there are many among the Jewish people who will reincarnate in their next embodiment as Palestinians and many among the Palestinians who will reincarnate as Jews. Of course, you can go back and say, what is the difference between Palestinians and Jews? What you call Jews today are those who left Palestine and what you call Palestinians today are the Jews who stayed in Palestine.

It is a matter of the people coming to see this, coming to see that there is really no difference and that they are sort of fighting or persecuting each other. Now, of course, this is not to say that there are not people among the Jews and the Palestinians who are not part of this group, as we have said, some among the Nazis reincarnated in Israel, but some even among the Palestinians. But there are also other people from other parts of the world who have incarnated in both groups. And they are among them the people who are very fanatical and who are willing to use violence on a larger scale. And this is, of course, what you see in Hamas with the attack that was clearly targeted at civilians, but you also see it among the Jewish leaders who are also targeting civilians. And both of them are doing things that are clearly against international law, clearly against humanitarian concerns. And it shows you that on both sides, you find these people, a relative minority, small minority, but they have no humanity. They have no concerns for humanity.

And a potential higher outcome of the situation could be that the majority of the population come to see this and come to see that a new approach is needed, that cannot be allowed to go to this blatant disrespect for humanity.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels

Is Kim going to retire soon? 

Question: Kim, would you like to retire soon? Have you had enough of this experience? Will there be a replacement for you and will the Masters make something like this known?

Answer from Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

I have no plans or desire to retire. I have not had enough of this experience. I am happy to serve the masters and I am happy to see that many people are helped by the teachings. If there will be a replacement for me, that is up to the masters to decide. They could announce this anytime if they want to. I mean, I am open to it.

But if you look at it historically, in the last several dispensations, Summit Lighthouse, the I AM movement, it has not actually been announced within the movement. None of these movements really had another messenger anointed that could continue the work of the main messenger. It had to be that people had the discernment enough to find a messenger outside the movement. This could change. I mean, the masters can do whatever they want as far as I am concerned. But I really have no idea at this point of what they are going to do or not do. I cannot really answer the question, I guess, other and to say that as long as the masters want me to serve, I am happy to serve.


Copyright © 2023 Kim Michaels