Why do some people behave like children in old age? 

Question: Why do some people behave like children in old age?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 Easter webinar.

Well, it is really a combination of factors. It can be what is normally called Alzheimer’s or Dementia, but it is also because they have not as adults been willing to take responsibility for themselves. Now obviously when you are a child you are not able or you are not expected even to take responsibility for yourself and your own state of mind. So, you have a certain innocence as children but then as you become an adult in your late teens and forward you should ideally take responsibility for yourself, your life and especially for your state of mind.

But many people do not do that because they do not receive any help growing up on how to do this. So they live their whole life in this what we might call a deficit but they feel like they are pulled along by circumstances that they resist, they resent and they do not want and instead of taking decisions and deciding what they want their life to be they are just allowing circumstances to push them along. And there can come a point where this becomes such a strain for people that their minds cannot deal with it and so they withdraw from it and they seek to go back to this state of children where they feel like they did not have to take responsibility. They abandon their self-awareness of what they realize is proper behavior and they act out in childish ways. It really is a sign that the person has given up on its spiritual growth for that lifetime.


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