Question: What is the correct response, according to the ascended master’s perspective, for how the Israeli government should address the actions of the terrorist organization that perpetrated the atrocities upon 1400 people in Israel on October 7th? I take it that the current response they are adopting is not the correct or Christlike response that the ascended masters would advocate.
Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.
Well, even though I have commented somewhat on this in the previous answer, I will give some further remarks here.
It is clear that the higher response from the Israeli government would be to recognize that Hamas does not represent all of the Palestinian people. You can see that you have two options here. You can either label Hamas as a terrorist organization or you cannot. If you label it as a terrorist organization, you must acknowledge that it is not representing or supported by a majority of the Palestinian people. And if you do this, then you cannot allow yourself to wage an indis-criminate war that will lead to the killing of more Palestinians than were killed of your own countrymen. This cannot be a higher response, nor can it be a response that will earn Israel goodwill in the democratic part of the world. As I said, Israel is relying on the support of the democratic part of the world, and so far, they have been supportive, but there is no democratic country that in the long run will be able to support the indiscriminate killing of civilians, the destruction of hospitals, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, so people die because there is no medicine in the hospitals or even electricity in the hospitals.
And it simply is not a solution to commit what is a borderline genocide on the Palestinian population. If there is one nation that cannot allow itself to do this, it would be Israel. If Israel was able to step outside of their own mental box and look at the situation from a larger perspective.
What would be a better response? Well, quite frankly, a better response would be to appeal to the international community to step in and help Israel in this situation. I know that this would be a very difficult situation, but it would be a wiser response than taking this unilateral action that Israel seems to be determined to take. What would be a better response would be to say this is a police action to take out the terrorists, not a military action to basically level the Gaza Strip. This would have been wiser. I am not saying it would be realistic, but it would have been wiser. Because obviously, no democratic country could support this. However, the reason why the Israeli government has not been willing to do this is that they are not really willing to do what it takes to resolve the Palestinian issue.That is, to create a Palestinian state.
What could be an eventual outcome of this is that more and more democratic nations and other nations call for a Palestinian state or at least a long-term solution. And then the international community must step in and create a situation where the Palestinian people actually have a future to look forward to. But this, of course, would require Arab nations to also step up and say: “Well, then we must take responsibility. We must be a part of the burden. And we must be willing to work with both Israel and the international community to bring this situation about.” I am not saying that this would in any way be easy. Even as an ascended master, I could not sit down and give you an easy solution to the issue. Because the Middle East is more divided among different groups and factions than any other part of the world. There is no easy solution to this. You look at the situation in Syria and in Lebanon, and you can see that if there is to be a viable Palestinian state, there must be a dramatic change in Lebanon.
And there must be a change in Syria. This is not an easy situation to manifest. It is more of a long-term goal. But, as I have said earlier, it is really a matter of how hard do the knocks have to become before there is a sincere willingness to change course, to change the approach. That is a question I cannot answer. And, of course, no single person or group of people can answer it either.
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