Question: Lord Maitreya is the coming Buddha. What does this have to do with the teachings of the ascended masters? What is the true message behind this expression? How will it be manifested?
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 Easter webinar.
Well, as we have explained, there is a progression in the ascended realm where certain ascended masters hold certain spiritual offices. And over time, as a given ascended master who has held an office for some time has reached a level of consciousness where it is ready to move on. And another ascended master has grown to the point where he or she can take over that position.
Gautama Buddha holds the office of the Lord of the World currently, and at some point, Lord Maitreya will take over that office, as there are other offices where the master is gradually replaced. It does not actually mean anything for the teachings of the ascended masters because they will continue to be given based on this progressive revelation that we have started.
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