Trump, NATO, and the war in Ukraine 

Question: Trump is running for President of America again, and his campaign narrative is to cut off aid to Ukraine, pull America out of NATO and leave all of Europe and other democracies without financial and military aid. This will have dire consequences for millions of people. How far are such plans destined to come true? Will Ukraine’s struggle against the aggressor be lost?

Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels.  This answer was given during the 2024 New Year webinar

It is not going to come true, regardless of whether Trump is elected President or not. There is a common misunderstanding in the United States, and also outside of the United States, that the President of the United States is like a dictator who has godlike powers. But the American Constitution is deliberately set up to limit the powers of the President. And therefore, even though Trump may talk about withdrawing from NATO and cutting off aid to Ukraine, he could not do this alone. This is demonstrated by the fact that President Biden wanted to send an aid package to Ukraine before Christmas but could not do it without the approval of Congress and the Senate. It is simply an over-inflated view of the powers of the President held by many people and certainly held by Trump himself.

The American legislature recently passed a law that makes it impossible for the President to single-handedly withdraw the United States from NATO. And the fact of the matter is that the United States receives a multitude of benefits for being in NATO and being the sort of guarantor of NATO. And they are not willing to lose those benefits because it would be in many, many ways a big step back for the United States. It simply is not true that the United States is in NATO out of a selfless desire to help Europe. The United States is in NATO because it gives advantages to the United States. And it would simply be foolhardy to withdraw the United States from NATO. And this will become clear if Trump was elected President and tried to fulfill this rhetoric. It would become clear to all of the people around him, and eventually that he would become aware that he is standing alone with this and could not carry it through. It is just an example of a politician who has moved so far away from contact with reality that he will say anything that feels good at the moment, that he thinks gives him an advantage at the moment, that he thinks gives him an attention at the moment, and he has no real realistic consideration of what would be the consequences of some of these things that he is proclaiming.

This is demonstrated by the fact that he is still talking about a lost election even though the vast majority of the people who know about the election have given up this idea that the election was stolen from him.


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