The teaching on mercy

Question: In the teachings on mercy (Kuan Yin’s dictation in the book Making Peace with Being on Earth) it was said that I am not responsible for something my separate self did in accordance with karma. Do I still have to solve karma for something my separate self did?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given at a conference in Estonia in 2018.

Yes, of course you do. And it was also said in the teaching that you naturally need to invoke the light to consume the karma, to consume the energies that were created. The teaching is given specifically because there comes that point where you have to let go of the past.

This is simply a tool for helping you to let it drop and to drop any sense that you are responsible. You can never overcome this, as the fallen beings will keep projecting at you. They want you to remain stuck and this is a tool for helping you to be free of the past.


Copyright © 2018 Kim Michaels