The real cause of aloneness

Question: Many people in today’s society experience loneliness and I am one of them. Although I know about the separate selves and receive intuitive insights from time to time, I cannot help but feel alone. What is the best way to feel closer to a master when dealing with the outside world? I want to have a closer relationship with a master.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 Easter Webinar

Well, your question is specifically about aloneness, but why do people feel alone? The conventional wisdom, so to speak, is that you feel alone because you either do not have any people around you or you do not have the right kind of people that you can feel close to and that therefore can help you avoid feeling alone. Many people have and there is, of course, an entire industry out there based on helping people find the right person so they will not feel alone.

This is, of course, not a valid way to overcome aloneness because the fact of the matter is, the brutal fact is, you cannot overcome your sense of aloneness through another person. You cannot overcome the sense of being alone through anyone or anything outside yourself. Now, as brutal as it may sound, this also applies to an ascended master. You may have some connection to an ascended master, some intuitive insight and direction from an ascended master but it is not going to help you overcome your aloneness. It might distract your attention but it is not going to help you overcome your aloneness.

Because what is the basis for aloneness? It is that you, the conscious self, the Conscious You, you do not have a sense of connection with your I AM Presence. That is the real cause of aloneness. You cannot overcome aloneness through another human being or even through an ascended master. You can only overcome it by having a greater connection with your I AM Presence. This is, of course, what we will be talking more about in Korea because it is the topic of that conference. The only way to overcome aloneness is to use the teachings on the separate selves and keep working on these separate selves until the Conscious You starts having more direct experience of your I AM Presence and this is what then helps you overcome aloneness.

There are certainly people who have walked the spiritual path for some time and who have attained a greater sense of connection or oneness and who do not feel alone. And therefore, do not need other people to fill a hole in their psychology which then also makes it more difficult to have a relationship with other people because you have some unrealistic demands and expectations of what other people should do for you.


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