Question: Ascended masters asked us to consider making websites, but what would be on those websites? And also, who are they meant for? Since all information is already available on the “Ask Real Jesus” websites? Do we retell the teachings in our own words for what we could call the next level down? That is, people who would be open to the ideas but not quite ready to read a direct dictation? Or do we try to channel something? If not dictations, maybe answers from ascended masters? There seems to be a lot of demand for that.
Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2022 Webinar for America – The Resurrection of Democracy.
Well, first of all, you can take the teachings we have given, you can look at the very fact that we have now had these websites out for 20 years, close to 20 years, we have many books that are out. And even though we have had millions of visitors to the websites, they have not attracted any mainstream recognition, or awareness. You can reason from this, that there are many, many people on earth, who are not ready to recognize ascended masters, or that one person could receive messages from ascended masters.
Obviously, there is, as we have said before, a great need to take the teachings, express the ideas in a universal way and, so to speak, step them down for people who are not at the same level of spiritual awareness as you are. This can be done in any area of society. Who are these websites for? They are for people who are interested in that particular field. There could be many such websites. It does not have to be just one about one topic but there could be several about one topic.
Now, in terms of whether you should seek to channel something from ascended masters that is a very individual matter. You could do so if you feel called to do it. But you can also create websites where people can ask questions and you answer them based on your experience and based on taking our teachings and expressing them in a way that does not tell where they are coming from. We are not asking you to lie to people or be deceptive, but just realize that ideas have a power of their own. But there are many people on earth who are very concerned about where ideas come from. And if they do not like where their ideas are coming from, they are closed to considering the idea.
If you present the ideas in a way that does not require people to believe in anything such as ascended masters, then you might reach some people that otherwise we cannot reach. Naturally, what we have done with this messenger, you realize, is, you might say, a calculated risk. Where we know that by openly stepping forward and saying we are ascended masters, we are speaking through this messenger, there are automatically a lot of people that we cannot reach with these teachings. There is a need certainly, to take these ideas, step them down, so that we can reach more people this way.
We are not asking you to be obsessive-compulsive about this. And to make it a burden for yourself. You have to be careful to look at your own psychology and whatever psychology comes up when you consider this. Look for these selves that you have about speaking out publicly, about stepping out from the ranks of the unknown, stepping out from the crowd. And work with this because this is also part of your Christhood. You can look at the creation of such a website, not just as something you are doing for others or doing for the ascended masters, but you are doing it as an opportunity to see the hang-ups in your own psychology that you have about doing something like this. Many of you have spoken out in past lives and have been severely persecuted for it. For some of you this is your original birth trauma. By doing this, you are giving yourself an opportunity to deal with this psychology as this messenger has, over and over again, used these 20 years where he has given service to work on his own psychology and his own reactions to being in a position he is in.
Copyright © 2022 Kim Michaels