Signs of higher levels of consciousness

Question: Some teachings say that the higher we rise on the path, the higher the intensity of our life on the physical plane should be. That is, the external activity becomes higher and higher. It seems to me to be an unbalanced approach. What do the ascended masters think about this?

Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 New Year webinar

Well, again, there is no standard from what it means to be the Living Christ or to be in a higher state of consciousness. But it is certainly a limitation to say that your life becomes more intense and your outer activity becomes more intense the higher you rise on the path. Just look at the Buddha. You may say, in a certain way, that his life became more intense because he taught. But you may also know that the Buddha actually withdrew from teaching three months of the year to rest or meditate and go within. And the other thing you can say is that: “What does it mean that your outer activity becomes more and more intense?” There is a limit to what a human being can do. You only have so much energy, you only have 24 hours a day, you have to sleep part of the time, you have to take care of your physical body.

The whole idea that rising to higher levels of consciousness means that you run faster and faster is just not practically realistic. What you see in the Buddha is that even though he engaged in teaching, he was actually more and more at peace in his own mind. It would be more constructive to say that regardless of what outer activity you engage in, your inner life, your state of mind becomes more and more peaceful, more and more neutral we can say. There is more equanimity in your mind. Because, as we have said, as you rise higher on the spiritual path, you rise above the dualistic consciousness. You are not pulled into the extremes. Therefore, you become more and more centered. You transcend the whole unbalanced extreme scale. And therefore, you are at peace within.

And what you unfortunately see in the world is that there is this, as you say, idea out there, not only in spiritual teachings, but also in the business world, for example, that certain people are more active, are more intense, are more driven, have a clear goal, and want things to happen, and they pull other people into helping them make it happen. And this is a sign of some superior state. But this is often driven by the fallen beings. Because the fallen beings are the ones who are obsessive compulsive about seeking to create this outer self that reaches some state of perfection that they think can force God to let it into heaven. But as we have said many, many times, this can never work.

You may have a certain person who claims to be a spiritual person and who is being very, very intense, and who is seeking to make this seem like a sign of spiritual advancement. But, is it? Or is it actually a sign that the person has some unresolved self, subconscious self, that is driving the person to think that it can work its way into heaven, force its way into heaven? What have we said so many times? You cannot force your way into heaven. It is by stopping to use force that you find yourself in heaven. This is a delicate issue, because you cannot apply a black and white evaluation of it.

There are those who were around me when I was in embodiment, and it would say I was very intense, very driven. And that is partly because I knew I had only three years. It is also partly because I had to work through the opposition to my mission, and in order to even survive psychologically, I had to be very focused, and therefore, became quite intense. I would not allow anyone to pull me away from my mission. But this was only for three years because I had a short mission. And part of this intensity was, quite frankly, unresolved subconscious selves that I did not fully let go of until I was hanging on the cross and gave up the ghost. Whereas the Buddha had a longer mission, stayed in embodiment longer, and let go of all the selves so that he could teach from a state of peace.

Now, there is another evaluation to be made here, and that is that when you become an open door for the Christ mind, the One mind, just your mere presence can stir up in many people their unresolved substance because they sense that you are at peace but they are not. And when they are around other people that are not at peace, they do not notice this in themselves. But when they are around somebody who is at peace, then they notice their unpeace in themselves and this can feel agitating to them and because these people have unresolved psychology, they always project out. They are saying: “Oh, this person, this spiritual teacher is very intense, because I always feel agitated around him or her.” But is the teacher intense, or is it just their experience? Because they experience the contrast between the teacher’s peace of mind and their own lack of peace.

You see that it is not such a simple question to answer. But what I will say is this, as you rise to higher levels of consciousness, you transcend duality, you transcend the pairs, your mind is not pulled into extremes, you become more and more neutral. Therefore, you become more and more at peace. In your own mind, you are at peace and you also overcome any need to push or force other people to comply with your vision or your goal. And therefore, you can be yourself and allow people to be whatever they are at the moment. You can be and let be.


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