Projections and attacks: Challenges in expressing your Christhood

Question: When I imagine going out into the world and expressing myself, there is a particular image that keeps on coming. No matter what situation I imagine there is always this one being that will oppose my efforts and will try to dishonor me in public. I am not sure if that is a memory and a fallen being that I have been encountering in past lives or if this is a projection of some sort. Can you help me clarify and also share how to best deal with such images?

Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, as we have explained many times, the fallen beings will do anything they can to prevent people from manifesting and expressing Christhood. They will project against you. But many people also have from past lives these separate selves that will develop because the fallen beings attacked you and tried to destroy you. I can assure you that when I was in my mission in my last embodiment I had many of these projections, and I had many, many thoughts of: “Oh, who are you? Who do you think you are? You cannot possibly do this. This cannot possibly work. You cannot manifest Christhood,” all of these thoughts. And it is something that you just need to come to a point where you recognize that in an environment such as earth this is, as they call it, the cost of doing business. If you want to manifest your Christhood, if you want to express it, there will always be somebody who does this.

Now there are many people who have a specific somebody that might have done this to you in several past lifetimes. But even beyond a specific person, the fallen beings will attempt to do this, and they will use anybody whose mind is open to being taken over by these demons or entities or even by fallen beings. It is simply an unavoidable aspect of your Christhood, and you should actually look at it and welcome it as an opportunity. Because, first of all, it is an opportunity to look at your own reaction, and therefore see if you have a separate self that reacts to this. Because then you know that the separate self will actually prevent you from manifesting the fullness of your Christhood. You then need to deal with that self and use the tools and teachings to deal with it.

But you can also have this general attitude where you are, as an avatar, many avatars have felt this: “But I came to earth to help, to do something positive. I should not be blamed or put down or attacked for this. I am just here to do something positive.” But, again, you need to recognize that on earth there are fallen beings, and they do not care about your good intentions. They will try to destroy you no matter what. You need to change your attitude so you realize: “This is the kind of environment I am in. I know there are these fallen beings and dark forces and I cannot let them get away with it. I cannot let them destroy my Christhood”.

How many times do you think this messenger has confronted this very consciousness since he initially started the Ask Real Jesus website so many years ago? You would be surprised at how many times he has been exposed to these kinds of attacks, these kinds of projections. And in the beginning it was difficult for him to deal with it. But over time, especially after he had the teachings about the separate selves, he had become better at just looking at this and saying: “Oh well, cost of doing business. What else can you expect on a planet like this?” Or even saying: “Oh, so there it is again. Now it was this person, last week it was somebody else. But, nevertheless, ah, that is just the way it is. Do I really need to pay attention to this? No, of course not.” You let it go. And if you feel a reaction in you, you realize there is a self. You look at this self. You expose it. You let it die, and then you move on.

It is inevitable that when you start expressing your Christhood you will be attacked. It is not necessarily just dark forces, it is also other people. There will be people who are jealous of you because you are daring to express something that they are not daring to express. It is so easy for them to type in some kind of brief message and post it on social media or on a YouTube video or wherever it is. And they do not even, in many cases, realize what they are doing. Many people do not realize that their minds are taken over by these demons or entities or even by fallen beings. You just have to look at this and say: “Oh well, there it is again.” And it is basically, you know, you just shake it off. You just need to shake it off and say: “It is like the old saying, water off a duck’s back.” You just shake it off and it rolls off. And you do not make any big deal out of it. You do not react to it. You do not feel: “Oh, this should not have happened.”

But in order to do this, of course, you have to look at this self that feels you should not be attacked for coming to earth to make things better. Because this self will block your Christhood. It will prevent you from manifesting Christhood. Many, many of you have not dealt with these kinds of selves. And that is why you are so reluctant to speak out even though we, a long time ago, started encouraging you to speak out, write your personal story and other things. Few of you have done this precisely because you have not yet dealt with these selves and this reaction to coming to earth. The question really is: Do you want the fallen beings to win, or do you want to be the Christ in action?


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