Intuition vs. intelligence 

Question: Can the ascended masters explain why if I, as an ascended master student, have a relatively high level of consciousness or awareness, then why are there so many other people in the world who are not particularly spiritual, that have abilities and intelligence far greater than I have? How is it that a person can have a high level of perception and awareness but not necessarily have enormous intelligence? What is the relationship between consciousness or awareness and intelligence? And what is it that determines a person’s level of intelligence in any particular lifetime?

Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus Christ through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2022 Webinar for America – The Resurrection of Democracy.

We have talked about before that there is no direct connection between what the world calls intelligence and what we call spiritual awareness or spiritual attainment. Growing in spiritual attainment is something that is beyond the world. Christhood is beyond the world. Growing in worldly abilities is not the same as being on the spiritual path.

You will see that many of the people in the world who have special abilities, special intelligence, or have the ability to lead people, or exercise power are fallen beings. The reason for this is that they cannot walk the path of Christhood, so they focus instead on developing their worldly abilities using all means, even what we call black magic, to achieve this.

What the world currently calls intelligence, or at least what the Western world calls intelligence, is using the intellectual mind, the linear analytical mind, that can, as we have said, argue for or against any issue. Now, this also gives you a certain ability to understand issues like mathematics and other scientific topics. But it is a worldly ability. It is not something you really need in order to walk the path of Christhood and qualify for your ascension. That is why for most of the spiritual people, you did not just become a spiritual person in this lifetime, you have been a spiritual person most likely for many lifetimes, you have not really felt any intuitive promptings to focus on developing these outer abilities. Why would you, when your goal is beyond this world?

You need to recognize that, as a spiritual person, it is not about developing worldly skills or worldly abilities. It does not mean you cannot have it, you could have developed it in past lifetimes, but it is not your main goal. Your main goal as a spiritual person on the path to Christhood is to tune in to the Christ consciousness, to the ascended realm, to the I AM Presence, and that is not an analytical intellectual ability. It does not require intelligence, it requires intuition. That is why you focus on developing your intuition. And in many cases, the more intuitive you become, the less intellectual, analytical, linear your thinking will be. And you might actually find it difficult to grasp these linear analytical topics.

It can happen that in your younger days, you were quite adept at understanding scientific concepts, these linear analytical concepts. But as you grow on the spiritual path, you become less able to wrap your mind around it, so to speak, because you cannot really focus your mind anymore on that level of thinking. Your thinking, or your mind, is not as focused or trapped in the mental realm. You are moving on to the identity realm where you have a much more intuitive vision.


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