How to help parents of  children born with severe physical and mental ailments

Question: I have a question about how parents can better deal with situations when they have children born with severe physical and mental ailments. I have relatives who have a child that was born with a failing liver and a hole in his heart. Shortly after being born, he had surgery for a liver transplant and had heart surgery to repair the hole in his heart. He was also diagnosed recently as autistic. The physical ailments have left him immunocompromised and the parents have constantly been in and out of the hospital every month or so since he was born. The situation is understandably exhausting on both of them. One of the parents has recently told some of us that should her child die, she will go to an assisted dying facility (they live in Europe) and essentially commit suicide. I was wondering if the masters could comment on the situation. What is the common reason for a child to be born in this way? Do the parents volunteer for this kind of situation? Are there lessons that the parents are seeking to learn perhaps by undertaking this? What if anything we can say or do to help her see, so that she is not thinking about giving up her life due to how difficult this situation has been.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 Chicago Conference.

There are very limited things that I can say to people who are not spiritual, because in order to understand these kinds of complex situations, you have to have a spiritual understanding of life and how karma works and how these kinds of difficult situations are always created by karma from past lives. There is, of course, always a lesson, because as we have said, karma is also very much a lesson to learn. In cases like this where a child is not fully conscious, there is not much you can do for the child other than try to take care of him as best you can. But for the parents, there can be, if they are open to the spiritual path, there can be lessons to be learned. It will, of course, be very individual.

In some cases, people are simply meant to learn to let go of any attachment to specific physical outcomes. This can seem very harsh if you do not have a spiritual background and an understanding, and that is why there is, in many cases, not much you can say to help such people. But you can certainly talk about how even if her child dies, there is no reason to commit suicide, because there are other aspects of her life that are important, and how suicide really just increases the potential that you can be born in a similar situation than in a previous lifetime. Of course, if people are not open to reincarnation, then again you have limited options.

What you do see if you step back and look at this from a larger context, you see as we have said, that many things in the world are becoming more and more extreme in order to force people to deal with issues they are not willing to look at. That goes not only for individuals, of course, but for society as a whole. Even in situations like this, there are lessons that need to be considered. And there are lessons that involve these very complex topics of how long should you prolong a person’s life, even though you now have the technology to do so.

Does it necessarily mean you have to use that technology, or is it necessary instead to create some kind of awareness of when to allow a life to terminate, because people have a severe illness? I am not trying to say that we have a ready-made answer for this, because it will be individual situations. But we are saying that the technology, the technological advances, are forcing people to deal with some of these very difficult questions that they did not have to deal with in the past, where people with certain illnesses would simply die, and there was nothing that could be done to prolong their lives. These are things that some societies in Europe, for example, are beginning to debate, whether you should allow people with a terminal illness to end their life. What is society’s attitude to this? And I am not saying there is one answer to this again, but what is happening is that societies are being forced to start debating these issues. And this is, of course, necessary for moving closer to the golden age. In the golden age, these issues will gradually fade away, because there will be more clarity about what life really is, and what an opportunity is, and how people can psychologically learn their lessons.

You could, as a general consideration, you could say that when parents give birth to a child like this, there is always a lesson that the parents wanted to learn from this, and this relates to something in their individual psychology. But, of course, in the current situation, very few people are prepared to learn that lesson, and society is not helping them either. That is why one of the things that needs to happen in the golden age is that society becomes more and more aware of the need to not just help people physically, but also help them psychologically. This is one of the overall reasons for why there is a certain increase in these kinds of cases. I know this is not at all comforting to the individuals who are going through this, but this is part of the bigger picture.


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