Question: Can a mother make a request for twins, when trying to conceive? Are there special circumstances for twins to be born or is it purely genetic based on the family history? For example, Nigerians seem to have a lot of twins and people say it could be the yam they eat.
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 Easter webinar
Well, having twins can be genetic, inherited in families, but it certainly is not related to whether you eat this or that root vegetable. There are certain genetic predispositions. You also have artificial insemination that makes it more likely that more than one egg is fertilized, and so you have a tendency that this can lead to more multiple births.
You can make a request for this, but it will only work if it is in your Divine Plan to bring forth twins or more children that are so closely linked as they are when they are born as twins or triplets or whatever. But you need to do this not with the outer mind, but only if it is part of your Divine Plan. You need to tune into that and see what is the right circumstance for you.
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