Future changes in food and medical industries

Question: Do the masses have a tangible vision for the gradual approach we need to take to reach Saint Germain’s vision for medicine and healing in the golden age, especially if we are to see visible changes in the food and medical industry 50 years from now, as mentioned by Saint Germain in one of his previous answers?

[Full text of the question: This is a more practical question regarding St Germain’s vision for medicine and healing in The Golden Age. As the Ascended Masters have mentioned before, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to healing. Therefore, energy medicine and consciously working with our higher bodies will be the ideal outcome for individual heealing in the Golden Age. 

More and more people today have an awareness of alternative medical systems such as Ayurveda, Integrative Medicine, Naturopathy, Energy Medicine etc., but is this enough to create a holistic approach to healing, that involves the Identity, Emotional and Mental bodies? 

For instance, Ayurveda uses principles that stem back 5000 years ago, focusing on the five elements and the unique emotional, mental and physical constitutions of each individual. Which foods and lifestyle habits to adhere to depending on your constitution. In this case, it tailors to each individual, but of course it does not focus on the Ascended Master teachings per se. But for people who are not working with the AM for now, would it be a good starting point to begin to see the connectedness between the different higher bodies by promoting ancient wisdom and returning to Mother Nature?


Should we mainly focus on incorporating diagnostic technology that measures these emotions and auras in our higher bodies?

In other words, there is this current divide in the collective consciousness between the most natural of holistic means and technology. A sort of judgement between the old and the new. How do we bring the two together in a world powered by scepticism of natural remedies / “wishy washy science” and the “fear of technology”, AI, artificial tools etc.

Ultimately, my question is:

Do the Masters have a tangible vision for the gradual approach we need to take to reach St Germain’s vision for medicine and healing in The Golden Age?  Especially if we are to see visible changes in the Food and Medical Industry fifty years from now as mentioned by St Germain in one of his previous answers. https://ascendedmasteranswers.com/the-vision-for-health-care-in-the-golden-age/]


Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 New Year webinar.

Well, certainly we have a vision for this. But you need to recognize here that this messenger is not an expert in the healing arts. And therefore, he is not the one through whom we will bring forth that vision. We will do this through people, whether our direct students or not, who have experience with the medical field and who also have attunement with us, that intuitive attunement. We will bring forth some ideas through one person, some ideas through another. But what I will say is that, it is clear that what is keeping the world today stuck at a certain level is this black and white approach, where you say everything has to be ‘either-or’. Either we go completely with modern science and empirical data and what can be proven, or we go completely into the natural healing and the ancient healing arts. It does not have to be black and white, and it will not be black and white in the golden age. What you will do is you will look at these older healing modalities and natural healing modalities and you will say: “What can we learn from them? How can we incorporate them in today’s medicine?” And in order to do this, you need to investigate them with technology.

There are some healers out there who have this ideological view that all the older healing modalities are much better than the modern because they do not have any side effects and this and that. But you have to realize here, science and technology are not going away in the golden age. On the contrary, they will be expanded and they will be expanded by incorporating consciousness, by incorporating intuition, not just being intellectual, empirical, and so forth. It is necessary and important to use whatever scientific methods and technology you have to investigate the effect of these healing modalities.

I will say, though, that there are some healers who are experimenting with these older healing modalities, who have adopted this kind of romanticized view that because Ayurveda, for example, is 5000 years old, it must have been brought forth in a pure time and they had a much better intuition of how healing works. And as we have explained before, this is not really a realistic scenario because the collective consciousness was lower 5000 years ago than it is today. And therefore, what could be brought forth back then was not the ultimate healing methods. When you have this openness to incorporate intuition and inspiration into science, you will see the arising of new healing modalities that may somewhat be based on the old, but they will not be trapped in the paradigm of the old. You can see certain ideas taken from Ayurveda, for example, without accepting the entire philosophical overlay of Ayurveda and the same for other healing modalities. Some alternative practitioners are, of course, already open to such techniques and modalities. And it is just a matter of seeing this unfold in the coming decades. There will be major changes here. They are already on the way.


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