Fallen beings in the identity, mental and emotional realms

Question: Can the ascended masters talk about why or how there are fallen beings in the identity realm, mental, or emotional realms, but they are not in physical embodiment?

Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels. This answer was given at a conference in Washington, D.C. (USA) in 2019.

It is a matter of the level of consciousness of the fallen beings. There are some that are in such a state of anger that they cannot be in embodiment, and they go into the astral plane. There are some that are at a higher level of consciousness, they vibrate more at the mental level, they are more intellectual and therefore, they go to that level and some at a higher level that go to the identity realm.

And then the people or the fallen beings who embody are the ones whose consciousness resonates with the collective consciousness of earth. That is why they can take embodiment here. So you could say that the falling beings in physical embodiment, their consciousness resonates with the physical level, with the collective consciousness at the physical level, those at the emotional they resonate with the collective consciousness at the emotional and so on.


Copyright © 2019 Kim Michaels