Question: A quote from Master Jesus: “You have to make a free choice to go through it, meaning the gate that leads to the ascended realm.” The spiritual path, our masters say, is an internal path, a process of a continuous transformation within our sense of identity. It is a process of gradually separating from the identification with the outer personality, our physical body and physical senses, the ability to go beyond our external mind into the core of our divine identity. We could think that in all this process through which we are becoming one with our Presence, we would naturally and spontaneously be spiritual and would not need to make choices because we could not be anything else but our true identity. But this is not the case as Master Jesus tells us. From one side point it is logical that this is so because we must always be able to deny our true identity in order to be free. But from another side, how is it possible that a fully developed spiritual being on earth that feels one with all life can choose to deny his true identity? Isn’t this a paradox? Is freedom a different thing to the still not ascended beings and ascended masters?
Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 Korean Conference.
Well your question builds on a misunderstanding or a lack of understanding of the process we have actually described. First of all, you do not have to deny your true identity in order to be free or in order to make free choices. This is the lie projected by the fallen beings that only by rebelling against God’s will did they gain their own free will.
And it may indeed seem as if when you go into separation and use the dualistic mind to justify your choices that you have a level of free will that you do not have when you see yourself as a connected being. But it will only seem that way because your choices will limit your consciousness which will limit your vision of the options you can choose. You see that the fallen beings are not making creative choices, they are repeating the same choices over and over again just in slightly different disguises and with slightly different justifications.
You need to discern here that it is not so that when you are separated from or do not see yourself connected with your higher self then you are making choices and you need to recognize that it is not so that by connecting more and more to your higher self you stop making choices. Why is this so? Because you are a co-creator. Your I AM Presence is a co-creator, the Conscious You is an extension of your I AM Presence so you are also a co-creator.
Well, how does a co-creator co-create? By making choices. Now, ultimately the greatest freedom of choice is when you see yourself as connected with the whole in which you live. You make choices that enhance the whole, that raise up the whole. But you are still making choices. The I AM Presence made a choice to send the Conscious You into embodiment. You are growing in consciousness by making choices. As you become more and more an open door for your I AM Presence, your I AM Presence can work through you but this does not neutralize the Conscious You’s ability or responsibility to make choices. You may feel a prompting from your I am Presence but you still make choices as to how you specifically carry it out. This is co-creation.
When you truly look at this there is no paradox. The paradox is only there when you are mixing these ideas up and not seeing it from the Christ perspective. The Christ is the consciousness of Oneness but Oneness does not prevent you from making choices. It causes you to make choices that expand your options, expands your freedom whereas the choices from the separate mind will limit your freedom.
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