Are most people new on earth?

Question: With the global population rising from 3 billion in 1960 to over 8 billion today, is it fair to assume that most people alive on Earth today are in their first embodiment on Earth? If so, could the masters speak about any implications this may have?

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 Easter webinar.

No, that is not actually a fair assumption. What has happened on Earth is that you have had these relatively tumultuous periods. You have had some very dramatic ups and downs that are not recorded in what you call “history”, which of course is only a very momentary picture of the last few thousand years of the life of this planet. As we have explained before, life on Earth goes very, very far back. It is a very complex picture that I do not wish to go into in detail here. But what I will say, is that the majority of the people on Earth that are in embodiment on Earth today, the vast majority are not in their first embodiment. Well, I can even rephrase that and say that almost no people are in their first embodiments on Earth, but again, there are always exceptions to any rule. Let me step back and explain this.

The Earth is an unnatural planet, it has been an unnatural planet for a long time. What you have on Earth is that the beings who are embodying today are either the original inhabitants of the Earth, who had not ascended before the Earth became an unnatural planet or they are beings who have come here from the outside and therefore, had embodiments before they came to Earth.

What is also happening on Earth is there is a certain evolution, evolutionary process that is happening. We have explained before that there are four levels of the material universe, there are beings in those four levels that we call the elementals, the elemental builders of form. These elementals can evolve and they can come to a point where some of them can now embody as humans. You have a very small percentage of the population on Earth who are these elementals, who are in their first embodiment as humans, but it is a very small percentage. There are also some that started as elementals, but they are not in their first embodiment. But you would not have a newly created being that was created to take embodiment for the first time on an unnatural planet. That does not occur, meaning a being who was created out of the ascended masters and sent down into embodiment. But as I said, you can have the elementals who evolved from below.

The vast majority of people today have been on Earth before, but there were periods where there were not as many people in embodiment and therefore, many of them were in embodiment on other planets and some were in the emotional, mental, or identity realms. Even today, with 8 billion people on the planet, we have said before that the ideal size of the population is 10 billion people. There are still beings who would embody here if there were bodies for them, and who are waiting to come into embodiment.

The vast majority of beings are quite experienced either from Earth or from other planets. Some have come from natural planets as avatars, some have come from other unnatural planets and have come to Earth for a variety of reasons, and of course, some are fallen beings who have come to Earth. They are all very experienced, which has a positive effect that they have experience with what it means to be in embodiment on a dense planet, but it also has the negative potential that their minds can be very closed and they can be unwilling to transcend themselves. That is why you still see so much conflict on Earth, because it is by engaging in this conflict that people are, so to speak, forcing each other to open their minds to different ways of looking at life.


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