Are emotions the physical body’s reaction to thoughts?

Question: Some spiritual teachers, Eckhart Tolle and others, define emotions as the physical body’s reaction to thoughts. And we know that the processes in the emotional body precede what happens in the physical body. Could the ascended masters please comment on this issue.

 Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. The answer was given at the 2024 New Year webinar.

Well, we have given many teachings on this where we have said that you have the four lower bodies, the physical, emotional, mental and identity. And that the natural flow of energy is that the energy first enters the identity body, takes on certain forms and matrices there, then goes into the mental, then into the emotional and then the physical. And we have said that the patterns that are imposed in the identity body set the parameters for what the mental mind can do. And likewise, the patterns that are imposed on the identity and mental bodies set the parameters for the emotions.

It is certainly correct that the emotions are the consequence to a large degree of what goes on in the mental and identity realm. However, it also needs to be recognized that, in a current situation on earth, there is a lot of turmoil in the emotional body, the collective emotional body. There is what we have called the astral plane in the lower realms of the emotional body of the planet. And there are beings there who have found ways to insert what we might call hooks or great openings in people’s emotional body. There are certainly many people where you can say that it is not so that everything that happens in the emotional body of these people is a direct result of what happens in the mental and identity bodies. Because these people’s emotional bodies have become open to these influences and they are often pulled into a reaction where their minds are taken over by these lower forces. This is what often causes people to commit violent crimes, terrorist attacks, other kinds of atrocities. You can, of course, say that, well, what made the person open to his emotional body being invaded by these lower forces was, of course, some patterns in the mental and identity body.

But still the emotional body has almost for some people a life of its own where it is not controlled by the mental and identity. This is the natural flow. And defining emotions as the physical body’s reaction to thoughts, it is really not what we teach. As I said, we teach that there is a flow from the identity, mental, emotional and physical. There is, of course, also a return flow. When you take a physical action and you experience this at the physical level, there is, of course, a return current that goes up through the emotional, mental and identity bodies and you have to deal with that. But the way you deal with that is based on the patterns established in these three higher bodies. You cannot correctly say that emotions are caused by the physical body’s reaction to thoughts because the physical body is not really reacting to thought. The physical body is primarily reacting to physical conditions in the world, what happens to you from outside your body or even physical conditions inside the body.

And you could say that the physical body does not interact directly with the emotional, mental and identity bodies. It is the emotional, mental and identity bodies that interact with the physical body and it is also really those that react to physical situations. It is not really your physical body that reacts in a mental way to outer situations. It reacts in a physical way. And, as we have explained, you can have that lower aspect of the brain, the reptile brain, as Saint Germain mentioned in his dictation, that has programs that react to certain situations. But it is just reacting without having any feelings or thoughts about it. It is not thinking how to react. It just reacts. The reaction at the emotional, mental level happens in the higher bodies. Many emotions are, of course, triggered by what happens at the physical level, but not exclusively so.


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