Question: My question is probably for Jesus. I would like to know more about the difference between creating and manifesting. Because, for example, I have some idea to make my own business in the near future just to get little bit more free financial and time and so on. But I’m a little bit disappointed here, because of that question. Because it’s kind of manifesting but I don’t know if it’s allowed. And what’s the difference between creating and manifesting something?
Kim: Do you have in your mind a certain difference of what you see? Why are you even asking is there a difference?
Person: Well, I also think that I’m kind of creating and I read always that it’s not allowed to manifest something on earth. It’s more about creating, because we are co-creators and there is…
Kim: Yeah. But that’s why I am asking, because I’m sensing that in your mind you have a specific view of what it means to manifest versus what it means to create. And I’m just asking you to describe that.
Person: For me it’s the same, because without creativity, you cannot – because the result of creativity is manifesting.
Kim: Because in my mind I would also say: Is there a difference? And I can see that there is some difference that some people have, because they have a different view of it.
Person: Is there a difference between the two?
Kim: Well, for some people there will be. So that’s why I was asking about yours. Because I know that there are some people out there who have this concept that you can manifest things out of thin air. There are other people that work on manifesting things just through the powers of the mind versus creating something. But many people also see that when you are creating a business, for example; you are manifesting a business. But you are, of course, taking practical steps to do it; not just sitting there and manifesting with the mind.
Person: As for example, because I was home, probably I want to work with children. And I’m looking still my way. But if I want to work with children; I have to look for some specific topic and is this manifestation, which I – Is it allowed for me? Or just should I now concentrate on myself and raise your consciousness?
Answer by Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels, given at a conference in Estonia 2017.
Jesus: My beloved, there are some people who have gone into this state of mind where they are focused on increasing their psychic powers or their mind powers to where they can manifest things out of thin air, whether it be gold, whether it be this or that. They think this is a sign of spiritual attainment, but this, of course, is not what we encourage you to do.
First of all, because in this day and age, it is not the way we of the ascended masters want our students to attract people’s attention. As I just said in a previous answer, we want our students to be the open door for a transfer of light; not to come up with some outer manifestation. Even though I performed certain miracles 2,000 years ago, that was because the collective consciousness was lower and it quite frankly took a considerably larger effort to even get people’s attention than it does today, because many more people are more open today.
If we put this aside, this desire to manifest things out of thin air; then there is no real difference between manifesting and creating something. You are creating out of your own creativity, your own ideas and you take certain physical practical steps to do this. Of course, this is allowed. This is an expression of your creativity and you do not need to be afraid of experimenting with your creativity. You do not need to feel that this is inappropriate in any way.
It is truly one expression of Christhood that you may indeed manifest some new idea, whether it is a business or in education or another field, where there simply is a better way to do things than it has been done before. You are, therefore, helping life progress. You are helping to raise the All. There is, for that matter, nothing wrong with reaping some financial reward from this that allows you to continue serving in some capacity.
Copyright © 2017 Kim Michaels