The threefold flame between nations and regions 

Question: Some time ago, the ascended masters said that the Baltic states hold the pattern of a three-fold flame. Since then, I started to notice this pattern elsewhere, like in the South Caucasus countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Do they also hold this pattern? This would explain the conflict between those countries, since obviously dark forces would try to sabotage this unity. Also, I noticed that in larger countries like Britain, Germany, and France, or the Scandinavian countries, or between Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia, I noticed it even inside my own country of Latvia between three regions. It must be something similar in other countries. On top of that, even our own three higher bodies seem to form this pattern. Is the point of having this pattern between countries to work like in our three higher bodies, where the energy flows from love to wisdom to power, and then the whole is raised. Finally, even though Ukraine is now at war with Russia, it seems that they also form such a pattern together with Belarus. And when the Russians transcend the imperial mindset, such unity could be and most likely will be formed.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.

Well, yes, it is correct that you can find this pattern of the threefold flame in many parts of the world, even between regions, not necessarily only within the same country, but in other regions that are in close proximity. But you have to be careful not to be too linear with applying this, because you can also, in many countries and even between countries, apply the pattern of the chakras. Whereas certain countries represent certain chakras, or even regions within a certain country or cities within certain countries, like certain cities in America, represent the chakras. Again, you can certainly use the teachings to make this distinction, but you have to be careful not to be too literal and wanting to force it into this neat and orderly pattern. Sometimes it is not quite as orderly as it may seem. It is correct that the Baltic countries can form a threefold flame, as many other countries and even Russia, Belarus and Ukraine could potentially do this, even though it will obviously take some time before this could be manifest, especially with this war.

What you can do as an ascended master student is, if you feel this is important to you, you can make calls that there are people in, for example, the three Baltic countries, who will be cut free to see this and therefore see the potential for greater cooperation between these nations. And this you can hold a vision for and hold a balance for and therefore you can help them bring about this potential. But again, be careful not to be too linear about it, not trying to force it, but make the calls that it will emerge as it is meant to emerge according to the vision of Christ.


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