Question: Beloved ascended masters, I want to ask for a bit more information on a topic that has gifted me with a magnificent confusion. I have had a sense that I was of angelic origins. This snippet of recognition has been a part of personal discovery long before I came across these current teachings. I have met other people who sense they are earth angels, but I have not yet met anyone who is part of this current dispensation who relates to this identity. You have shared many valuable teachings about those with avatar lineage and touched upon other histories such as original earth inhabitants or beings originating from the elemental realm. There has been a certain metamorphosis of progressive teachings about those of us who have a sense of being of angelic origin and a part of this entails having fallen through previous spheres. I can relate to this. I also feel to be an ancient being. I have checked in and have no sense that I have ever been a fallen being. Though I have definitely been closely bound to fallen beings with a kind of savior mindset, I also understand what Mother Mary explained not so long ago that angels are spiritual beings, therefore they cannot descend into an unascended sphere.
This has added to my magnificent confusion. I do not believe that I am the only one with this experience and would like to ask for some elaboration on the topics of sensing that one is of angelic origins and descending through spheres. Why do some humans have a sense that we are angels? Was there a mission that led to us not ascending with previous spheres and does this correlate with some kind of cosmic primal self? I observed that Mother Mary holds the office as an archaea twin flame at Rafiel. Could you explain some more about this and are there unascended masters who have a similar lineage to what I am describing?
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 American webinar.
Well, I have said before that at some point we will give more detailed teachings about angels when we feel that the time is right and we have set a better foundation. But I will make some remarks here. The first one is that you need to ask yourself a simple question: “Why is it important to me whether I am an angel or not?” The next question you need to ask yourself is: “What is my mental image of what it means to be an angel?”
These two questions are, of course, closely related. If you look at this historically, you see that the traditional religions, the major religions, based on the Old Testament especially but even other religions, have a, we might say, less nuanced view of the spiritual realm than what we have given you. In other words, most religions say that there is a spiritual realm, there are multiple beings in this spiritual realm but there is, at least for the monotheistic religions, only one God and then a number of angels. What has happened over time is that various religions and the people who are members of those religions have built this mental image of angels. What angels are, what they do, what their function is, and many spiritual people, or at least some spiritual people, have had this intuitive sense that they were not, to use the terminology we use, the original inhabitants of the earth, but they came from somewhere else that was higher than the earth. And this is a correct sense for many spiritual beings, but does it necessarily mean that you are angels in the same way as angels are seen in these traditional religions?
In other words, the traditional religions are saying there is earth, there is heaven, in heaven there is God and angels, nothing else. They do not operate with ascended masters, they do not operate with avatars, they do not operate with beings from other planets, beings from previous spheres, and so forth.
If you can, make an effort to free yourself from this traditional view of angels you can, and I am here talking about many different spiritual people, you can get a more accurate intuition from within about where you actually came from. And this can, of course, be beneficial if you feel this is important for you. Be aware though, that the image or the reality is much more complex, even more complex than the teachings we have given so far. Let me give you at least some hint of what we might give more teachings about at a later time. We have so far said that there are four levels of the material realm. We have so far given the image that the earth had four waves of lifestreams that took embodiment here.
They have in previous dispensations been called root races. What we can actually say here is that the first wave of lifestreams took embodiment in the identity realm. In other words, not in the physical. The second wave took embodiment in the mental realm, the third wave in the emotional realm, and only the fourth wave in the physical. There was a gradual progression through these four levels of the material realm. This does not mean that there was nothing happening in the physical realm when the first wave of lifestreams took embodiment in the identity realm. There was a process that, of course, was not driven by chance or materialistic processes as the theory of evolution claims, but there was a certain evolutionary process leading from very simple to more complex life forms, leading to the point where there were bodies that were complex enough that self-aware beings could take on these physical bodies. This was something that took time in the physical realm. There are some of the beings who were part of these original lifestreams who are now in physical embodiment.
It does not mean you necessarily fell although some did fall, but it can also mean that you chose to embody in the denser realms of the material realm. This can give you a sense that you came from somewhere else, not the physical earth, that you have originated in a higher realm. There are some beings who have a sense that they are angels because of this, because they have no other way of conceiving of this than saying: “Well, if I came from a higher realm than the physical, I must have been an angel.” This is part of the picture. There are also beings who came from previous spheres. And again, this does not necessarily mean you have fallen, even though there are certainly some beings who have fallen by following the fallen beings. In other words, we have said that there were planets where there were some leaders that had set themselves up, and these leaders rebelled against the ascended masters, but many people on the planet, out of loyalty, chose to follow the leader as they fell. You could have a technical discussion about whether these followers really are fallen beings or just followed the fallen beings.But in any event, some of them are now in embodiment on earth.
There are also those from a previous sphere who chose to descend with the fallen beings thinking they could save them, help them return to an upward path. There are not many of those, but there are certainly some. Then, of course, comes the whole question of avatars. And avatars can also have a sense that you came from a higher environment than earth. In fact, most avatars have this sense. But when you do not have the concept that there are other planets in this unascended sphere that have a higher level of collective consciousness than earth, then you can very easily be pulled into thinking that you must have come from some spiritual or heaven world. Which is not necessarily completely wrong given that there is a tremendous difference between a natural planet and earth. You have many avatars from many different planets who have volunteered to come to earth. And some have then been pulled into this view that there is only people on earth, angels, and God.
And as I said, if you can take a look at this view of angels, let go of this traditional view, then you can personally get a more accurate intuition and instructions from the Ascended Masters closest to you.
Now, in terms of me being an archaea with Archangel Raphael, you again have to recognize that even progressive revelation is affected by this traditional view of humans, God, and angels. We have to start somewhere with something that people can grasp and use the concepts that people have. You could say, if you wanted to be completely neutral, that there are ascended beings who have different tasks, different functions, different offices, different assignments, in terms of helping the unascended sphere. And therefore, you could say, you can explain everything that happens in the ascended realm without talking about angels. It could be equally valid if you talked about different groups of ascended masters that are not using the word angels at all. You could do this.
Traditionally, we have not done this in previous dispensations. We started talking about angels. And it is partly because there are certain beings in the spiritual realm whom we can say are not technically ascended masters because they did not descend into embodiment and rose from there to ascend. There are beings in the emotional realm, the mental realm, the identity realm, and the lower spiritual realm that were created not to take embodiment in this unascended sphere, but to assist those who are taking embodiment. So, there are beings who were not originally created to take embodiment. Now again, in an unascended sphere, all beings have free will. They can choose that they want to descend into physical embodiment or into a lower level, such as from the spiritual realm to the identity realm, in order to experience what that is like. You can say that there are people who have made that choice. They are now in physical embodiment. They have a sense that they came from somewhere else. And again, they take on this traditional view: “That must mean I am an angel.”
But you see, an angel is an office you hold. It is a specific office according to specific bands of angels. If you choose to descend below the level where your office is focused, you are technically no longer an angel. You can say you came from that particular band of beings, but you are really not an angel anymore. You are now an unascended being on a dense planet like earth. And your task is to qualify for your ascension like everyone else who has ever ascended, regardless of where they came from. You now need to understand that as an angelic band or an angelic being, you are holding an office. The Elohim is an office. The archangels is an office in the spiritual realm. When you ascend from earth, you can choose if you are qualified, if you have reached a high enough level when you ascend, you can choose to take up this particular office. But it does not mean that you descended from that level before you ascended. What I am saying is, I am today an archaea. I hold an office. But I also hold the office of the Divine Mother for earth. I am holding the office of an archaea, but it does not mean that I was of the angelic realm before I descended to earth.
You see, this is where previous dispensations were sometimes too literal in their interpretation of the teachings that were given. They assumed that since I ascended and took the office as an archaea, it must mean that I was an archaea before I descended, but that is not the case. Where I came from is not relevant to the present discussion, but I obviously did not fall from a previous sphere. I originated in this unascended sphere.
What you need to do here is, if this is important for you, as I said, make an effort to let go of this traditional view of angels. Make an effort to let go of the sense that this is very important for you. Make an effort to not make an effort to go into a neutral state of mind, and then see what comes to you from within, from your I AM Presence, from your Christ Self, from your ascended masters. And then see what a different perspective you will get by working with these ideas.
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