Question: Amid the well-known events, there is a certain spiritual boom in Russia. A large number of different Hindu gurus, spiritual lecturers, positive psychologists, numerologists, yoga instructors, nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialists, expends its activity. Many of them are quite popular. They are selling information. The product they are selling is expensive, and the training gather full halls, and thousands of people sign up for their webinars.
But I noticed that these people have a similar trait. They do not dare to say anything openly about the situation in the country, the actual war or the politics of the ruling elite. It looks like a kind of agreement with the devil: We do not touch you while you do not touch us. And on the other side, there is another group of people who do not talk about spirituality, but simply advocate for the rights and freedoms of both their own and others. These people are not popular. Instead, they often are being attacked by different forces and even are subject to repression.
Does it make sense for someone to try to combine all of this to talk about spirituality and rights and freedoms at the same time?
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 Kazakhstan Conference.
Well, of course it makes sense because that is what we have been doing all along as ascended masters. We are addressing the actual events. We are also doing it from a spiritual perspective. Of course, this makes sense for people, but of course you should not expect to be popular as we of the ascended masters are not popular and really have no desire to be. But to go to the first part of your question, you can simply ask yourself this. Go back and ask yourself, during communist times, why did the communist party who had all power, why did they still allow the Orthodox Church to exist? Or in other nations, such as Poland, allow the Catholic Church to exist during communist times? Why not simply wipe out all religion when the Marxist doctrine was clearly anti-religious? And the reasons for this is very simple. Because religion pacifies people.
What did Karl Marx say? Religion is the opium of the masses. Well, what was the main goal of the ruling elite of Russia during Soviet times? To pacify the people. Anything that helped pacify the people, they would accept. What is the main goal of the ruling elite of Russia today? To pacify the people, so they do not rise up and demand change. All of these gurus serve essentially that goal: to pacify people. Because what do they promise?
You look at what we have said before, that there is great upheaval in the identity, mental, and emotional bodies of the Russian people, the collective bodies. Great upheaval. People feel that something has happened that is not good. They are affected by this. They are looking for a way out. And here comes these self-help gurus and they promise them an easy way out so they can feel better without addressing the actual political situation in the country. And this serves the cause of the ruling elite because it gives people hope that they can feel better without changing the political situation. It pacifies them and it does exactly what the ruling elite wants. It is to some degree the same in the West where also many spiritual people have been pacified by pursuing spiritual goals, and saying: “Oh, we do not want to bother with politics. It is not spiritual.”
What have we consistently been saying as ascended masters going back through previous dispensations? A combination of a direct engagement in society while still walking the spiritual path. Wherever that leaves you individually is a decision you need to make. How risky is it to speak out as the situation is in Russia? Is it part of your Divine Plan to do this or not? I am not trying to say here that you should risk your lives or imprisonment in order to speak out. That is not what I am saying. Because as we have also said, there is a difference between the self-help gurus who promise you that you can feel better, and ascended masters. We are not promising you that you can come to feel better. We are promising you that you can raise your consciousness and thereby pull up on the collective. And there is a very important difference there.
I am not trying to say here that people who are engaging in some kind of spirituality—popular spirituality—that they are not having a positive impact. Anything that raises the consciousness will have an impact. But unfortunately, as it was during communist times, the religious people in Russia had very limited impact on improving conditions there. And so it is with those who are going for this, we might call it “feel-good” spirituality. They have some impact, but not nearly as much as they could have if they truly walked the spiritual path and transcended their state of consciousness.
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