How the masters communicate with people who are not spiritual 

Question: Will the ascended masters communicate with people in a lower state of consciousness, which are therefore unable to hear them in their heart chakra, through other chakras, or do the ascended masters commune only through the heart chakra?

Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus Christ through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2022 Webinar for America – The Resurrection of Democracy.

We do not only communicate with people through the chakras as such, because we communicate primarily intuitively. It just depends on what level of consciousness people have, what they are open to. Many people do not have strong intuition. And intuition is associated with the heart chakra and the secret chamber of the heart. But still, there is a form of intuition related to every chakra. If people do not have that strong intuition we often cannot communicate directly with them.

What we seek to do is we seek to give them some kind of impulse, some kind of idea. We are often watching them and watching the situations they get into, to see where there can be certain situations in life where people are more open, where their minds are open. Unfortunately for many people this only happens in a crisis situation, in an accident where they feel their life is threatened or if they experience some kind of trauma like the loss of a loved one. Some people are actually more open at a funeral of a loved one than in many other cases. So we always seek to give them some kind of thought impulse, some kind of sensation that can assist them in going forward.

We do attempt to communicate with everybody and give them something. But you cannot really call it direct communication, because they have no idea where it is coming from. And they do not recognize us as ascended masters or spiritual guides or whatever they can see.


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