Were women created before men?

TOPICS: Pure Being or the Allness – the Ma-ter light – masculine and feminine have always existed – the masculine started the process of creation – the original religion – religion after the fall – no need to worship God – worship springs from the duality consciousness –

Question: this is a question of a matter of what came first the chicken or the egg. God or whatever it is, if its anything. what is god other then everything. what is it female first then male. not saying that it was a woman or a man but the principle of it. meaning that it was feminine well passive or latent well in pralaya before it became masculine well active or manvantara.

like the book of dyzan says the the eternal mother slept before she unfolded. i know its poetic license taken by some very earnest seekers who settled on that as the best description.
why was the religion of the mother goddess the first on the planet?

Answer from ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:

I would like to settle the age-old question about the chicken and the egg once and for all. The chicken came first.

Now let us move on to the more serious questions. The following discourse contains detailed teachings about how God created the universe. A brief summary is that God has an unmanifest aspect, which I like to call pure Being or the Allness. Another aspect of God is the creator, which is the actual origin of everything that was created in the world a form. To start creation, the Creator brings forth an element which can be molded into any conceivable form. This is what the Bible refers to in the saying, “Let there be light.” We generally call this the Ma-ter light.

As I explain, God the creator is the acting, or masculine, principle, whereas the Light of God is the receiving, or feminine, principle. So everything in the world of form is created out of the feminine aspect of God. That is why some religions say that everything was created from the Mother God or the Goddess, and that is why some religions worship God as a feminine deity.

The masculine and feminine aspects of God have always existed. Therefore, in a sense it is meaningless to talk about whether God was masculine before feminine or the other way around. These two principles, or aspects, are inseparable and it really doesn’t make sense to talk about one without the other.

The age-old question of what came first is really a product of the linear human consciousness which sees everything based on its own situation. Because human beings experience that their physical lives have a beginning and an end, they reason that everything else must also have a beginning and an end.

In terms of the world of form, one can say that everything was created out of the feminine principle, the feminine substance, of God. Therefore, everything in the world of form is created from God the Mother. However, everything was created by God the Father, so by its very nature creation began with the vision held in the mind of God the Father. It was the masculine aspect of God that started the process of creation. The feminine aspect of God took on whatever form was envisioned by the mind of God.

This is not to say that the feminine aspect of God does not have a mind, or consciousness. However, the feminine aspect lovingly allows the masculine aspect to act upon her and carries out the vision held by the masculine aspect. Creation was initiated by the masculine aspect of God and carried out by the feminine aspect of God. If you want to talk about beginning and end, you might say that creation started as an idea, as a vision, in the consciousness of the masculine aspect of God.

It is certainly viable to say that the eternal Mother slept before she unfolded because the feminine aspect of God has always existed as a principle. The Divine Mother did lay latent, inactive, until she was acted upon by the Divine Father.

I do not agree that the religion of the mother goddess was the first on the planet. When human beings first descended on this planet, they had not forgotten their spiritual origin. Therefore, they were fully aware of both God the Father and God the Mother, and they had an active relationship to both. The relationship that people had to their divine parents before the fall was very different, and therefore it would not be correct to say that people before the fall worshipped God or even had a religion as it is understood today.

As explained elsewhere, it was the feminine aspect of every lifestream that first fell into a lower state of consciousness. This happened because the feminine aspect of the lifestream started to take on the ways of the world instead of remaining true to its own masculine aspect, namely the spiritual self. As a result of the descent into a lower state of consciousness, lifestreams forgot their spiritual origin and therefore lost the direct experience of the masculine aspect of God.

Because lifestreams lived in a world created from the very substance of the feminine aspect of God, they could not completely forget this aspect of God. That is why many primitive cultures worshipped the feminine aspect of God in the form of the earth Mother, which they believed gave them life. It was only after humankind had, in a very slow ascent, risen to a higher state of consciousness that lifestreams again began to have a clear concept of the masculine aspect of God.

What has happened today is that many people, most notably in the West, have forgotten the feminine aspect of God and exclusively worship the masculine aspect of God. This is a typical example of how people, because of their spiritual immaturity and lack of balance, swing from one extreme to the other.

What will happen in the coming decades is that humankind will come to a greater recognition of the need to have an understanding of and a relationship to both the masculine and feminine aspects of God. The simple fact is that your spiritual life cannot be complete without having this healthy balance between the masculine and feminine aspects. This applies not only to how you see God but also to how you see yourself.

In terms of masculine and feminine, it is important to realize that this cannot be defined in a fixed way, as there are many such polarities. As I explained above, there is an unmanifest and a creative aspect of God. These two also form a polarity, where the Allness is the masculine aspect and the Creator God the feminine aspect. There is another polarity between your particular Creator and its own creation. You are part of the creation of your Creator, which means that for you the Creator is the masculine aspect and you are the feminine aspect. So in one sense, if you worship the Divine Mother, you are worshipping yourself.

Many of the religions that worship a mother goddess are as out of touch with reality as the monotheistic religions that worship a father god. They are based on the consciousness of separation, where you see yourself separated from the deity you are worshiping. The realistic way to look at yourself is that you are an expression of the Creator, and thus you are one with the Creator. There is only one mind, and your self-awareness is an individualization of that one mind but it can never be separated from the one. Your role in creation is to act as the extension of God on earth, whereby you become the Divine Mother in action. Thus, there is no point in worshiping either a masculine or a feminine god at a distance, because you are being both the masculine and feminine God in action.

There is of course a spiritual office, called the Office of the Divine Mother, which is held by Mother Mary. And naturally, that office deserves respect and veneration, as does any other spiritual office. Yet respecting a spiritual office is not the same as worshiping the being currently holding that office. So the bottom line is that the sense of having to worship a distant god – whether male or female – springs entirely from the duality consciousness, which sees a distinction between “self” and “other.” Breaking down this distinction is what the path to personal Christhood or enlightenment is all about.


Copyright © 2003 by Kim Michaels