How can we teach our children what they don’t get in school

Question: A question to Mother Mary. So right now I have two children, one and four years of age. And they go to school for some years and our local school will not be changed according to golden age ideas in a few years. So what we can do practically to help teach or to help our children to go to kind of new way and to educate them in a new way; because the school system is the old way right now. What is a practical way what we can do to help our children? Because when we send them to school; they are in the machine and the system. And it works out and we really cannot influence it so much.

Answer by Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, given at a conference in Estonia 2017.

Well, this is very much a matter of the individual situation of people and what is practical for you. First of all, I would look for a school that has a different philosophy and a different approach, which could be a private school, if one is available within a reasonable distance from where you live. Then, I would, of course, carefully evaluate what is the philosophy of the school, what is the methods. There are private schools that are more aimed at developing the creativity of the child. This is a possibility, if it is practical for you.

If it is not practical for you, then you would send your children to the public schools. But then, you would work with them at home to, in various ways, to stimulate their creativity. You could, for example, talk to them about what they learn in school and give them a different perspective, a broader perspective on this. Now, there are, of course, more specific things you could do; but this is not really the time or the place to go into too much detail about it.

I realize, of course, that many parents are in the situation that you would like your children to have a better education; but you do not have the time or the expertise to do it yourself at home. If you cannot find a school that can do it, you are in a difficult situation. Then, I would say, again, make the best of what you can do and then seek to stimulate their creativity. There are even worldly ways or methods of stimulating children’s creativity and intuitive ability.

Also, seek to give them a perspective that they do not need to feel bad about not maybe fitting into the public school system, but they just need to do the best they can. They do not need to go into the race of getting the highest grades or this or that. They just need to learn certain basic things and then you will help them learn what they cannot learn in school. Again, many more concrete things could be given, but that would require more time. It would also require a messenger who has a greater awareness of different alternative teaching methods.

Added by Mother Mary: Don’t forget that one of the primary ways that children learn is by observing you as a parent. Thus, if you are walking the spiritual path, you will be teaching them invaluable lessons, especially if you tell them what you are experiencing without seeking to force it upon them or seeking to force them to believe what you believe.


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