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Ascended Master Answers
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Answers about Divine love, especially related to unconditional love versus human love.
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About this Website
This section contains questions and answers about this website. This website was created by Kim Michaels. Click here for Kim’s personal website. For the story of how Kim Michaels became a messenger for the ascended masters, click here. For information on how to support this website, click here.
Ascended Master Resources Network
Ascended Master Resources
Ascended Master Light
Transcendence Toolbox
The Mystical Teachings of Jesus
Explaining Evil
Age of Higher Awareness
Higher Awareness Psychology
My personal website
Christianity Today
The attitude of Christian churches to Russian aggression
Mystic tradition in The Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church
There is no potential for the reform of the Russian Orthodox Church
Preaching the gospel and baptizing people today
What is the rapture?
Is there a need for a black church?
Holy Fire in the Orthodox Church
It is time to expose the false prophets who are leaders in Christian churches
A religion or church can be renewed only through the Living Word
Apparitions of Mother Mary or black magic
Christians – Catholics and others – raising questions about the church
Don’t focus on Jesus’ suffering, but his victory over suffering
Was Jesus an occult teacher?
Should the Episcopal church elect a homosexual bishop?
Christian churches have become calcified in doctrine and dogma
How Christians can benefit from considering Reincarnation
What would Jesus say about Creationism?
What would Jesus say about Christian fundamentalism?
What would Jesus say about Protestant churches?
What would Jesus say about modern Christianity?