If you regret making mistakes, that is a sin in itself, because from a linear point of view the choices you make are the choices you make based on the consciousness you have. So a reflection of the consciousness you have at that stage is just fine. It’s energy.
This answer was given by Kim Michaels at a conference in Holland.
Kim: One way to look at mistakes could also be that in your higher mind you actually wanted this negative consequence to happen, because you wanted to learn something from it. Your conscious mind just wasn’t aware of that, and so you need to say with your conscious mind: “Okay, so what was it? What do I want to learn from this?”
As I find with myself a lot of times, you just get so focused on everyday life or whatever you are doing that you’re just running at full speed without really stepping back and thinking: “Why am I doing what I’m doing?” When something unexpected or unpleasant happens, it’s actually a good opportunity to step back and say: “Okay, why did my higher mind want me to have that experience? What am I supposed to wake up from here?”
Comment: You see your life as a mirror. Everything is a mirror for you at that point.
Comment: I used the consequence that I had to judge myself. “Okay, what’s the consequence?” So I know I have learned my lesson, instead of knowing within that I have learned my lesson and just letting the consequence dissipate. I kept the consequence re-happening because I kept going right back into the consciousness that created it in the first place. I didn’t learn my lesson because it was still there.
Kim: Yes, the mind can create these infinite loops, and it’s just like I said: This is the game that keeps repeating because you haven’t had enough of it. You haven’t tired of it. I realized this several years ago because I was in a stressful situation. What I always do in stressful situations is that my analytical mind will go over the situation again and again and again and replay it. Sometimes I will do what I wanted to have done: Pretend I was doing the right thing instead of doing what I actually did. Go over it again and again and again. At one point I was sitting there, and I knew I was in a negative spiral. I knew I was just repeating this over and over again, but I couldn’t pull myself out of it.
Then it was like all of a sudden something happened. I don’t even know what it was, but I stepped outside the mind and realized that the analytical mind is just like a computer. There is a part of my mind that will just keep creating these thoughts, creating these problems, indefinitely because it’s just like a computer game.
If you have a computer game that is programmed to display green and red circles, it will just keep doing that forever. It’s all it can do. I realized there is a part of my mind that is simply programmed to create problems, and then there is another part of my mind that is programmed to solve them. Those two parts of my mind can occupy my attention for the rest of this lifetime and for the next hundred lifetimes if I want them to.
I simply had to say: “You know, I’m not that mind. I’m neither the one that creates the problems nor the one that thinks I have to solve them. I am neither of those minds, and I don’t want them to take up all of my attention. I don’t want to play the game anymore.”
It doesn’t always work, I have to say, but it helped me enormously to distance myself, because I’d never had the thought before. We tend to think: “I’m thinking my thoughts. Therefore they must be real.” Or we even tend to think: “I am thinking my thoughts.” And what I realized was: “No, I am not thinking. My mind is thinking, and I’m identifying with it. But how long do I want to do it?” I also realized from that situation that the part of my mind that creates problems was absolutely convinced it was something outside myself that was creating these problems. And because they were there, it was my responsibility to solve them.
I realized that the part of the mind that creates problems does so in a way that they have no solution, they can never be solved. The only “solution,” so to speak, is that I see that and say: “Oh, this is not me.”
It’s the same as if you thought you were your car and you couldn’t get out of it, and you have to come to the point where you realize: “Oh, I can hit the brake. I can open the door. I can just get out. I can walk away from this car.” It’s the same thing with that thinking, analytical mind. You can actually realize it is not you. I’m not saying I’ve done that yet. But it helped me enormously to have that thought – that I don’t have to think that everything is real that my mind can come up with. It’s just like a movie projected onto the screen. It’s no more real than what I see in the movie theater.
Copyright © 2015 Kim Michaels