Are crystals useful?

Question: A lot of people using crystals for healing. Is it really useful do you think? Because I’ve always thought myself that I think feel is some very good energy. How an ascended master can comment about this. Is it really, is it OK to use this one? And are they really conscious beings? Like someone says All crystals, they are conscious beings.”

Answer by Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels, given at a conference in Estonia 2017.

We have in previous ascended master organizations given teachings about crystals. So it is a valid tool to use. However, we do not talk about it now because the teachings we are giving today through this messenger are given for a higher level of consciousness, where you no longer really need the crystals.

Of course, this is an individual matter. So if you feel that you need the crystals and if you feel they have a positive effect on you, there is nothing wrong with using them.

Now, there may be some crystals that have an elemental associated with them. You can say that this is a conscious being, but it is not a self-aware being. So you should not go into thinking that this being has some sophisticated consciousness and certainly not think that there is an ascended master that is in the crystal or working through the crystal.


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